Your Bettina Kale Chips Recipe
Hi folks,
I have been trying your recipe along with the recipe of others for Kale Chips.
That is a hard thing to do – although it sounds as though it should be easy. To get the seasoning right is the key.
I suggest some changes to your original recipe which is in your Bettina Network Blog. The changes or cautionary suggestions I would have follows:
1) To use the right amount of organic cold processed Olive Oil is key. It is also one of the hardest things to do. Use too little Olive Oil and your kale chips burn. Use too much and they are greasy, negating why you make these kale chips in the first place. You can’t really tell the chips have burnt because they come out very dark looking really burnt when they are not. You can only tell when you pick one up and taste it and then you realize that strange taste is burnt kale chips.
I would suggest using only enough Olive Oil to barely coat the raw kale. That is the hardest part of this endeavor. I think how much to use only comes with trial and error, but if you are aware of the problem you will take more precautions in how much or how little Olive Oil you use.
2) The seasonings are really a matter of taste. I first tried your kale chips recipe at the xxxxxxxxxxxx house, but WOW! I don’t have that strong a tongue – my throat rebelled as well. It was hot and then some. Those who like really hot food – and I don’t mean heat from the stove hot food – will love your recipe. I had to eliminate the chipotle powder that I saw them putting on those kale chips. A huge tablespoonful was used. I used just a teaspoon because I love the taste of chipotle peppers, but I can’t tolerate much heat in my food.
I would also suggest when one makes kale chips you look at the spices you really like. At first I tried the old faithfuls thyme, oregano, lots of turmeric. I have now changed to using those I really like and not try to copy anyone else’s use of spices. I love Old Bay Seasoning so I use it on my kale chips. I have eliminated turmeric because I think it doesn’t give much taste and one must use it – in things like grits – after the boiling point has been reached. I don’t think it gives much nutritional value when I put on turmeric at the beginning of the process and it heats up with the kale as they cook in the oven.
I really like your tekka seasoning. I use it on popcorn because of your recipe in this blog for your Bettina popcorn. So I tried it on kale chips. Don’t know what nutritional value it has, but I like what it added to the chips.
Everytime I’ve made the kale chips, I have used different seasonings. After a while I expect I will find something I really think is exceptional and use that always. Too bad that is what the human condition reduces us to, but we all like to find a road that we can always travel – brag about its smoothness and how quickly it gets us to our destination – and through constant use gradually turn it into a gutter that becomes difficult to walk in, a muddy mess when it rains and heaven knows what when it snows – still seeing that road as smooth and easily travelled. But hey, who am I to complain if I can finally find an exceptional kale chips seasoning combination.
Keep those recipes coming. I would not have tried kale chips, but for your recipe. Those things cost about $6 for a small, overly processed bag, which does not have a memorable taste. I am trying to keep an organic, non-processed food diet, but sometimes what is offered on the other side dissolves my resolve. We look to you for encouragement to stay with organic, well thought through food that is good for our health.
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