WOW! What a day! Epstein, Trump, Pedophiles, Racists, Sexists – look at the company bigotry keeps!

by: Marceline Donaldson

We keep trying to write about other things. What comes in to us in all of this however, is Trump, Trump all the time. When you think the man has reached bottom a trap door opens and he drops further down.

We have a few astrophysicist friends who helped develop a theology because they said astrophysics has gotten rid of the traditional theological concepts of heaven and hell for many religions and so they developed a theology to replace them. I do disagree. They may have developed a concept of heaven, but they have to consult with Donald Trump about hell – he has the monopoly on hell.

When I heard Trump’s racist comments about “the Squad” I have to admit I was a bit excited. I ran to the DVR to set it before I forgot. All of the Comedy Central Channels – Trevor Noah, Steven Colbert, Saturday Night Live, as many as I could think about. I didn’t want to miss a moment. Sure enough, while I haven’t seen all the recordings, Trevor Noah did not disappoint.

Something horrible must be coming down the pike against Trump. He has done an incredible job of distracting. It is hard to tell from what.

Epstein? Is someone coming out with a “made for television” interview of some of the women at the party whose guests included 26 women interested in being a part of a calendar ad/party plus Trump and Epstein.

Did the prosecutors in New York find a video in Epstein’s home of Trump raping a 13 year old? From the description in the Court Filings several years ago it was allegedly brutal.

Ladies and Gentlemen and readers of Bettina Network’s Blog- what follows was filed in Court and we may be hearing about this again soon:

“10. Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. Exhs. A and B.”

This reminds me of something else I’ve seen – oh yes, – in a Bettina Network Blog

A woman, handcuffed to the bed, nude except for the high heels, etc. Doesn’t seem to be resisting, however, but modeling – was that for the Trump agency? Or another Agency? Or part of her models portfolio of pictures used as a resume? OMG! The First Lady of the United States – FLOTUS! No wonder Trump has trouble seeing the Congresswomen as positive, contributing, United States citizens elected to help run the country – that isn’t a position in which he sees women when his eyes and mind are clouded with all of the above about women.

Trump wants the four Congresswomen to go back to the broken and crime infested place from which they have come. I understand his comments. When the above is your life and reference point the four Congresswomen do come from a broken and crime infested place which must be changed – Michigan, New York, California, etc. We are all living in a broken and crime infested place and hopefully, these four Congresswomen will work with others to rid this country of such a man with his friends and co-workers with their foul language, insults, destruction of our Republic. A man who hears the question of a white female reporter and tells her to be quiet while he turns to and answers the same question from a white male reporter.

We have a broken system, a crime infested country, a man who introduced and commonly uses foul language in his press conferences, informal conversation, on television with children watching giving them the example of the president of the United States cursing with almost every other word in many places with a staff and workers around him who could have served Hitler – putting up Facebook pages which would have warmed the Fuhrer’s heart.

AND, the question we have about Trump is the same one we have about Epstein – where does his money come from? How did he become the billionaire he claims to be when he lost all of the $400 million left to him by his father. With Epstein owning a home and private plane in Saudi Arabia with an expired passport in another name but with his picture – does Trump has the same thing? Are we coming to a denouement with Trump fleeing to Saudi Arabia and/or Russia to oversee the building of Trump Towers given to him by his backers and supporters as he shatters this country?

Before he leaves, one of his last actions is to continue to separate African Americans from Jews. This happened when the Civil Rights Movement under King was becoming way too strong for many of the people and their followers now loyal to Trump. First they helped move the Jews from being Black and from being called the “N” word to becoming second class Whites! That was supposed to cause much upheaval in the Civil Rights Community. In some ways it did, but mostly Jews continued working with Blacks to bring about equality.

Trump is now trying a second time – having learned from his mentors – to separate minority groups from one another and is having a go at again trying to further separate Jews from African Americans from Immigrants of color.

The “Squad” has a lot of work to do going forward repairing the damage done by Trump, his friends and supporters.

Trump’s workers in the White House and beyond need to get themselves together because their future, at the moment, is with the homeless. They have put themselves into a position where another job is going to be hard to get and their reputations without Trump will be toast – toast spit on my all and picked up from trash cans because they are hungry and that is all they could find to keep themselves together.

From Nixon, traveling to Mississippi to introduce his run for the Presidency of the United States to Donald Trump who probably first introduced his run in Russia with his Saudi friends cheering him on. The Republican Party has come to the fruition of its racist agenda which it set forth to the public in Mississippi as a dog whistle – then a fog horn – and now enormous political troubles which threaten to destroy the Republican Party forever.

Did someone say Putin was backing Trump? Or has he used Trump to destroy the Republican Party as repayment for what he perceives they did to the USSR?

It doesn’t matter – the results are all the same.

So onward into the future – hopefully, it will be better than the recent past. At least I have a few DVR’s to watch after Trump’s mess-up this week. If they are anything like Trevor’s show it is going to be a few hours of side splitting laughter as I look at the fun making of what happens when Greed underpins and is the rock bottom base of a culture.



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