White House to Become a Bed & Breakfast!

What follows is a spoof!  We found this on the web site www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s2i102940 and thought you might enjoy the thought!  Wouldn’t that be a great addition to the Bettina Network! – well, maybe not – we would probably get too much written about us with such controversy and vitriol we might not be able to survive!  Although, it would give Congress something to add to their complaints about the Obama’s – we are certain they would not find anything about which to compliment. They could check in to check on the sheets, breakfast, the courtesy and welcoming nature of the host family, and for some Congressmen – the rear end of the women who run the enterprise!

The spoof says the President hired the Marriott Corporation to manage the White House Bed & Breakfast!  We knew it was a spoof when we read that because the Marriott’s connections to the Mormon Church pointing to – you know who – would never be something the President would do with a presidential election looming and ‘you know who’ seeming to pull ahead of the Republican presidential hopefuls pact.  Who knows what would be transacted in this new bed & breakfast.  We rather think he would have hired Bettina Network, inc.  with its y’all come elegant lifestyle to keep a neutral business image.


Saturday, 24 December 2011

image for White House to Become a Bed and Breakfast
New Conveniently Located 5 Star B&B

Washington DC: White House Press Secretary Carney announced that President Obama and the First Lady will be converting the White House to a Bed and Breakfast (B&B) formillionaires in 2012.

President Obama had hoped to tax US millionaires to raise $70 billion per year in revenue to offset some of his proposed $3.7 trillion budget spending for 2012. Since the Republicans in Congress will never pass such a tax increase the president said “We can’t wait!” The First Lady indicated that she and the president are never home, always on vacation or campaigning and we can live aboard Air Force One.

The White House B&B could become a travel destination for astute millionaires. Both Democrats and Republicans would be welcome to come and stay and enjoy presidential cuisine. The White House residence has 16 rooms consisting of various sitting, living, dining,conference rooms and five bedrooms plus six bathrooms. Assuming full occupancy of each bedroom at $100,000 per night, with the Lincoln bedroom going for $250,000 per night US taxpayers would save $240 million per year. (Secret Service guided limousine tours of Washington DC historic sites are extra.)

Vice President Biden had been designated to manage the B&B, but after his failed attempt at administering the $850 billion stimulus the president agreed to hire Marriott Corporation. Each week a new concierge, such as former Presidents George W Bush, or William Jefferson Clinton will be available 24 hours per day.



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