When Big Brother Is Your Boss – The Workers Perspective – an IBM Memory

by Ann Haeyoung


A newsletter which comes out regularly about many things – mostly Union issues.

This one – recently circulated – reports on Marceline Donaldson’s activities trying to unionize IBM in the 1970’s.

There are other issues just as interesting and we recommend this newsletter to you – put out by the Tech Workers Coalition. Within the newsletter are ways to subscribe.

Did you read the one about how a New Orleans Social Group (the Original Illinois Club) which has yearly debutante balls and a bit of Union history is involved. We don’t want to spoil it for you so you can read this one to get the facts.

Marceline’s mother was presented to New Orleans Society in 1936 as a debutante at that year’s Original Illinois Ball and she was queen of the ball. Her grandfather was president also in 1936 and was ecstatic to introduce his daughter to New Orleans society. Her grandmother, Marceline Bucksell Taylor was the modiste for the OIC for decades, designing and making the gowns, page costumes and many of the formal outfits for those in attendance.

The Union connection is fascinating, especially when you fast forward to the 1970’s with this IBM connection. It is the amazing coming together of high society and unions. A fascinating bit of history which not many people know about, probably because they want to maintain deniability.

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