What is Trump’s “Fake News” about!
by: Marceline Donaldson
The retaliations have started and will probably get worse as time goes on. Anyone taking on Donald Trump is being put on notice by the firing of FBI Director James Comey. This comes after he fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates. What became clear in the hearings as Sally Yates gave a time table of her actions – she was not fired for refusing to go to court filing for a “Muslim ban”. She was fired because she raised up the problems with Flynn and was very clear, articulate and fact backed in what she brought to the White House – which probably also put Trump in the crosshairs because not only did she point out Flynn’s transgressions, but the door opened for us to see that our President is probably an underling working for Vladimir Putin.
National Security Director – Flynn – was fired, but only after the Washington Post came out with the truth about Flynn, almost three weeks after Yates pointed out the problems and Trump was forced to fire someone who was a close associate of Trump’s, was with him on the campaign trail for months and who seems clearly to have been colluding with the Russians, probably with the knowledge and blessings and collusion of Donald Trump. Why else would the three of them – Trump, Flynn, Putin – have talked together after Sally Yates presented her findings to the White House? After which Yates was fired.
For Trump to have had a meeting and telephone call in the White House with Flynn and Putin after Sally Yates brought the Flynn business front and center is beyond my ability to understand how this man was elected president. A meeting and telephone call about what – about what to do about Sally Yates to keep her from exposing all of them? But then I have to remember what my life has been like and the enormous amounts of racism and sexism I have experienced. That was at the hands of American citizens who are probably the people who voted in Donald Trump – afraid that their hegemony over all is being cut down to size where they have to accept mere equality.
But what about all of this business where every place you turn you hear “Fake News.” The term – put out in public by Donald Trump, that has been picked up by everyone else.
During the campaign, Trump treated the main stream media like crap – except for those representing the Fox Channel, who he singled out for praise and whatever positive comments he could throw their way.
What was that about? Was that Trump having watched and read all of the other media and found the Fox Channel and Fox News totally superior to everyone else? No! That does not even begin to describe what this man has been doing.
It is time to put out there what this is exactly about – and the context in which this is happening. Basically one which screams to all of us that Trump has yet to appoint someone to a substantial office who is not ethically challenged. That seems to be his number one criteria. Flynn is certainly an example of that.
What is “Fake News” about – this concept that Donald Trump keeps holding up in front of us?
It is about Donald Trump’s friendship with Rupert Murdoch. Trump is one of Murdoch’s close friends. It is claimed they talk daily. So what has one friend done for another? Trump has used his new power and exposure to market Fox News and the Fox Channel as being superior to all the others. He has put it out there that this is what he watches and everything else is “Fake News”.
The president of the United States helping to market one particular media outlet – making it possible for major increases in the income of his friend Murdoch and Murdoch’s family. Trump is promoting his friends’ business and dissing the rest of the media putting their representatives in “bull pens” – literal pens during his campaign stops and calling on the people at his rallies to join him in saying horrible things about all of the media – except, of course, Fox News and the Fox Channel. It is strong propaganda Trump has spread all over the rest of us until I feel as though we have been dirtied in a way we can’t come clean and wash all of this away. It is the Fouling of America and it is being done by a champ who has spent his life doing this to many, many others.
“Fake News” is actually what Sean Spicer, Donald Trump, Mike Pence and others in their group are constantly trying to force feed the public. Blaming the Flynn fiasco on Obama when they all knew that was not true. Spicer giving a long soliloquy on how Security Clearances come about when he knew very well what he was saying was a lie. Trump did not vet Flynn – yet claimed he didn’t have to because Obama had just given Flynn the Security Clearance he needed. In fact, however, Obama had fired Flynn – advised Trump personally not to hire him because of the problems now surfacing, and had not given Flynn any Security Clearance. In fact, Flynn was working as head of the NSC without the Security Clearance he needed because Trump allowed him to do that. Given Flynn’s background and activities he probably could not have gotten the necessary Security Clearance so this smoke screen is thrown up so the general public cannot see how this President Trump is flouting all the laws and procedures put into place to keep this country operating on a fairly high and safe level
The terrorist threat to these United States does not come from the Muslims – it comes from Donald Trump who is doing everything he can to ignore the Constitution of the United States – to destroy everything we hold dear as he tries to turn it all into gold for himself and his friends and who seems to be trying to establish himself as a sick and evil dictator.
What amazes me, but shouldn’t, is how all of the men around Trump – and all of the men at Fox are being knocked off one at a time as they are called out for their clear and ugly sexual abuse against women, among other vile mean spirited ways of being. All defended by Donald Trump, who himself should be in jail for his self-admitted sexual abuse of women.
“Fake News” is necessary as a campaign so actual news is either not printed or not believed by Trump supporters who don’t want to believe their idol has clay shoes. He is, after all, the one keeping them above the unwashed minorities of the world.
We have this president who is illegitimate – a pathological liar – a seeker after money, influence, power for himself and his friends – who is going to strip the United States of every shred of decency, good ethical base, make it the laughing stock of the world, and destroy its middle – class citizens as substantially as possible so that it will take decades for them to recover.
To look at the way Trump has constantly thrown around the concept of “Fake News” and used that to promote his friend – Rupert Murdoch’s business and to attempt to destroy all other media outlets is beyond belief.
One shock after another and each one on a lower plane than the last one. When you think Trump can’t go any lower he lets you know there is still space for him to go because with his clear lack of any kind of human decency there is no bottom for him to hit.
A step lower would be to replace Comey as Head of the FBI with Bannon or one of Jess Sessions friends. They do make a clearly compatible couple. As do their associates in the Republican Party. It is amazing to see the lack of an ethical base and just an inability to adhere to basic human decency in today’s Republican Party – once the Party of Lincoln and now the party of Trump – Nixon – Reagan – all who had to face serious criminal charges coming from how they were being President and what they were doing.
Why he is not being stopped is my question! I know he will never be assassinated because the people who do that are all in his camp.
Why we are allowing this man to ruin everything we have all worked so hard for is my ultimate question today. What are you doing to help restore this country to some semblance of a country where mafia ethics are not the rule of the day and people are not meeting behind closed doors to figure out how to turn this country away from its democratic/republic historical founding towards a vicious, mean-spirited, grasping, greedy, whore mongering group of white men run amuck turning their bigotry into the normal way of things in this country and at the same time establishing these United States as a totalitarian state run by a greedy, lying, abusive etc. etc. etc.
Am I angry? You better believe it. And you?
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