What is ACRI about?
What is this stock ACRI that ANITTEB is tweeting about on Twitter?
What follows is a news release the company itself put out. We will put other info about this company on the blog as we get access to it. If you have questions that we can answer – email us at bettina-network@comcast.net
This is not a stock we recommend you hold forever – one to two weeks tops and then on to something else! You can, of course, hold it as long as you decide. Our holding is over the short term.
4/20/2010 5:54:49 PM – Market Wire
Company Receives Numerous Inquiries From Potential UK Customers
CAESAREA, ISRAEL, Apr 20, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX News Network) —
Acro, Inc. (OTCBB: ACRI), a leading manufacturer of explosive detection solutions for the homeland security market and related sectors, today announced that it unveiled its all-new ACRO-Mini-ETK and ACRO- CH.E.T. products at the Counter Terror Expo 2010 in London.
“We had a very successful showing of our newest products at the Counter Terror Expo last week,” said Gadi Aner, President and Chief Executive Officer of Acro, Inc. “Our UK representatives reported that traffic to our exhibition booth was non-stop and received a lot of interest in our products from potential customers in the UK.”
The ACRO-Mini-ETK contains four crushable ampoules protected by plastic mini tubes, filled with liquid reagents for the detection of explosives. Each kit contains sampling paper, a quick reference table and instructions. This compact kit distinguishes between explosive and non-explosive materials. Furthermore, the kit is capable of identifying four classes comprising the majority of explosives currently in use and revealing their traces on the body and various items such as clothes, suitcases, door handles and car surfaces and has been successfully used by Israeli police and security forces of other countries around the world. The ACRO-CH.E.T. (Chlorates Explosives Tester) is a light, easy-to-use, disposable, pocket-sized device that immediately and accurately identifies chlorate based explosives and can be used independently or as part of a total systems solution. The ACRO-CH.E.T. has low false positive and negative alarm rates, is very sensitive and can detect 10 micrograms of chlorate based explosives traces.
The Counter Terror Expo offers a secure exhibition showcasing the latest solutions dedicated to the counter terrorism and specialist security arena. The products and technologies shown in the exhibition form a crucial part of counter terror capabilities. The exhibition features over 300 international leading vendors.
About Acro: Acro, Inc. develops explosives detection technologies and manufactures relevant products. In addition to the explosives detectors that are currently marketed by Acro, the company continues to develop proprietary technologies for the HLS market. Acro’s Advisory Board includes Nobel Prize laureate Prof. K. Barry Sharpless, and Prof. Richard A. Lerner, President and CEO of The Scripps Research Institute, one of the most influential scientific institutes worldwide. For more information about Acro, visit www.AcroSec.com.
Forward-Looking Statement This press release contains forward-looking statements concerning our marketing and operations plans. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements in this press release are made based on management’s current expectations and estimates, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause results to differ materially from those expressed in forward-looking statements. These statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, risks related to the evolving homeland security market, general economic conditions and other risk factors. Acro does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements made herein.
For more information please contact: Acro, Inc. info@AcroSec.com
SOURCE: Acro, Inc.
Copyright 2010 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved.
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