What Causes Obesity in Children?
What follows is a synopsis of a breakfast discussion and a copy of what I put on Linkedin because the breakfast discussion and the question under the “White House Linkedin Group” were the same. The Linkedin question was “What causes obesity in children?” The Bettina breakfast discussion was – why is it so hard to control your weight when you are very careful with what you eat, but gain weight anyway. In neither discussion did the food industry come in for much of the blame for these weight-gain epidemcs.
What wasn’t in my Linkedin response, but should have been is the fact that growth hormones are put in meat these days – including meat called “natural.” When it isn’t given as injections or other ways, but in the food the animal eats – that gets around the labels. The big difference between “natural” and “organic” in meat is in what the animal is fed. Those growth hormones don’t stop at one generation. They pass on to you who eats the food. So, you eat one pound of food and it acts -for example – in your body as though it was three pounds of food. Now do you still wonder where the weight gain is coming from?You can make many claims if you word them so that they avoid what is real and makes the public think they are getting something that is not actually what they are getting.
“Marceline Donaldson – from Linkedin – • I am amazed at the variety of comments on this question when the answer is really very simple. I am also equally amazed at how far we are willing to spread the blame when the blame lies with our food processing industry which is trying to maximize profits and they do it by maximizing the shelf life of food doing whatever they have to do to get more for less. It isn’t parents or teachers or any of the various peoples being blamed. Having worked in the food industry I was amazed at a very young age at how food is treated and then sold to the unknowing and unsuspecting public. I had no idea another human being would so jeopardize my health to help a company for whom they worked make more money at my and their expense. There was a disconnect – big time – between food processing and the end result of what happens to who eats the food.
We put antibiotics in food as though there are no repercussions and then blame the appearance of superbugs immune to antibiotics, on India We put pesticides in flour to kill the bugs which grow because flour is kept in silos and of course bugs are in the flour and the silos. We then sell that pesticide and bug ridden flour to the public. We put dirt in flour to increase the profits because the FDA only requires flour to be a little less than 100% pure, the balance is in dirt shoveled into the flour to make up the additional weight giving the company the additional profits. I could go on for pages – we do nothing about any of this, except let it ride.
We allow fruit to be picked green, ship it around the country gassing the fruit so it arrives at its destination looking as though it is fresh and ripe with the public buying and not eating foul tasting fruit.
We raise our meat and chickens in foul and filthy conditions, but make them look good at the end through packaging and wonder where the obesity comes from? And the illness?
Wake up folks! You are being poisoned and are denying and not wanting to know or acknowledge the truth.
My time spent working in the food industry means I have never since used white flour or flour that was not organic. My husband spent time working around sugar and won’t touch white sugar because of seeing the men working there spitting tobacco juice into the sugar which was then packaged for human consumption. We’ve both seen the conditions under which chickens are raised and eggs collected and we are surprised when there is a huge egg recall? we only eat organic eggs and ones from farms we’ve seen and know how the chickens are raised, what they are fed, etc. We’ve seen dairy farms where instead of requiring that dairy farms be clean we require that the milk be pasteurized and now we are finding ‘ultra pasteurized’ milk on the shelves. Why? Shef life. What nutrients are left in that ‘ultra pasteurized’ milk? None. There is no difference between drinking that milk and eating junk food – both will ruin your health.
Our current food industry is a disgrace! And we blame others for our sins committed against ourselves, our children and our unborn grand and great grandchildren who will be more disease ridden than we are and more ignorant of what is happening with their food supply.”
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