Wells Fargo Boycott – Recorded Phone Calls

In another Bettina Network article on the Wells Fargo Boycott was the suggestion that when Wells Fargo calls and the person on the line says they are recording this call, that article made the suggestion that you also record the call and let the caller know they are being recorded as well.

What generally happens is that the Wells Fargo employee will refuse to continue speaking to you.  

It is clear why Wells Fargo would want to record their employees telephone calls to their clients, but we did not understand why Wells Fargo employees would refuse to talk if you recorded the telephone call as well.  Now we do!

Having done a substantial amount of research, we have discovered the reason.  Most times, with such phone calls it is about intimidation and a very ugly person on the other end of the call.  We heard about name calling, abusive treatment, threats, and more as the call progresses and that is the Wells Fargo person speaking to Wells Fargo customers.  Usually those who have loans, mortgages or some kind of indebtedness in which they have fallen behind.  

As we did our research that is what we found.  The calls we were able to listen in on, it was startling to hear the heavy, unnecessary abuse happening.  Several people who allowed us to hear their calls started off strong and wound up, after the call, in tears feeling embarrassed and ashamed even though they knew what was coming.  The emotional trauma that people are put through was heartbreaking.  

Whatever the reason, nothing justifies that kind of abuse to anyone.  We are all human beings and sometimes life gets difficult.  The number of people being the type of person some Wells Fargo employees described during those abusive phone calls are miniscule.  I cannot imagine being afraid to answer your telephone because the next call might be Wells Fargo being at its worst and most abusive.  Most people pay their bills. When life gets tough, people will do their best to figure out how to catch up and continue paying their bills.  Abuse simply destroys the person with problems.

These practices need to stop.  Mutual respect should never go out the window with a corporation or anyone else allowing and apparently encouraging abuse as a policy?  I can’t imagine employees carrying on so badly on the telephone unless they knew it was company policy and they would not lose their jobs because of such horrendous treatment of a customer.  So we repeat – close those savings accounts; cancel those checking accounts; move your mortgage to another bank; any other loans do your best to move them elsewhere and in any other way with any other services you are receiving from Wells Fargo for which you pay money – cancel, move, change.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

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Bread Pudding in honor of Pauli Murray*

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