Wells Fargo Boycott continued! – #WellsFargo
The response has been overwhelming. Hope you will all continue to work with us to promote and make this a successful action. Your future and ours depends upon it. As we receive stories from you, we will publish them in Bettina Network’s Blog.
Your story of your experience is a very strong weapon. Not only is it your story, but you will find millions have had the same experience. Sharing lets you know others experience the same thing and it is a pattern and practice of that particular corporation to oppress and rip off its customers.
And don’t forget – close your Wells Fargo banking connection on every level: – close your savings account – cancel your checking account – sell your stock in Wells Fargo – ask corporations to change their transfer agent if it is Wells Fargo connected (the head of Equiniti, the current group which is the transfer agent for many corporations – was formerly the head of Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation and many of Equinti’s employees were formerly employees of Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation, clearly this is not a new company, but a new corporate filing to escape the problems created by the old corporation)
If you own stock with Equinity or Wells Fargo Shareowners Corporation as the transfer agent and the corporation won’t change, sell the stock and buy stock with other transfer agents in charge. Isn’t it amazing how a simple thing like a corporation charged with bookkeeping can wield such control over the lives of many?
Intimidation is a large weapon in a bank’s arsenal.
Whenever you call a bank which is trying to hide, intimidate, scare, rip you off in some way no matter how small – especially if you are calling about a complaint, the bank employee who has called you or who you have called reads this “notice” to you that “this call is being recorded”.
I had a very negative experience with Wells Fargo about such calls. They attempt to use those “recordings” to make claims against me which were not true. Before that happened to me I had no problems talking to the bank even after they read the “recording announcement”. Since you have no way to counter the claims the bank can make at subsequent times because they have the only record of your conversation with them you are in a lose, lose situation. Even if you took careful notes of the conversations you had with the bank, their claim backed up by their recording wins the day. It is meant to back you off and get you to drop whatever complaint you are making against them no matter how legitimate.
In my case, what they claimed was not true, but they backed up their claim with a recording of a conversation I had with a bank employee. It was neither a total nor accurate record of the conversation. I had nothing – they had what was a doctored recording.
What to do? I went out and bought a simple recording machine which could be plugged into my telephone. Whenever I have a conversation with a bank during which they announce that they are “recording” the conversation, I let them know that I need just a second to set up my recording and I will be recording my end of the conversation.
The bank employee then ends the conversation because they are not allowed to participate in a conversation where they are recording and you are recording the same conversation. Only conversations where they have the upper hand because they are recording the conversation are allowed in their universe.
If they have anything to say to me, they can say it in writing. And, I can respond in writing. If the bank wants to record the conversation you know there is something going on under the table that honesty has left the room.
______Ways to Contact Wells Fargo Bank to let them know you will not do business with them
Corporate Headquarters*
San Francisco, California 94163
United States
Phone: 866-878-5865
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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale
Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott
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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to bettinanetwork@comcast.net or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
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