We are happy to announce and introduce the Newly Elected President of the United States – Joseph Robinette Biden

It is with great jubilation that the Bettina Network Blog, inc announces the results of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Joseph Robinette Biden has won the election and will become president on January 20, 2020. Senator Kamala Harris will become vice-president in an election which will be studied, analyzed, dissected and more for generations.

President Trump stayed true to one of his idols – President Andrew Jackson – the entire time of his presidency of these United States. He has done quite a bit for this country bringing its racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry to the fore causing President-elect Biden to have to keep this at the top of his agenda over the next four years and beyond.

It is now time for those who tried and are still trying to start a civil war in this country to go back underground and stay there until a vehicle can be built to take them to another planet.

The United States went into apoplectic fits after Barack Obama was elected president and many worked hard to bring about basic changes after President Obama’s presidency so that would never happen again. What they actually did was to re-enforce for many the superiority of President Obama’s tenure – African American, over President Trump’s tenure – German American. One prominent American said “if we had only known we could have been electing many different minorities over the years and America would be the country she has pretended to be from the beginning.”

With President Obama’s presidency starting in 2008 – young people born in about 2000 have a look at race very different from others born in this country and, indeed, others around the country. It was an elegant, efficient, substantial presidency which while not perfect is the kind of representation most of those in America want from their government. Those same young people born about 2000 have lived to see what the presidency is like when a white American – from a German family who immigrated to these United States starting with President Trump’s grandfather, has wrought.

They were able to see that one does not have need to have a perfect family to be elected president. President Trump comes from an immigrant family who came to these United States and started building a fortune, which I am told that first generation of immigrant did using prostitutes – and from that beginning the hotel interests of the Trump family had its beginnings. The hotel which started it all was alleged to be a bordello, but the money was green and Trump’s father continued in that vein by making a substantial fortune in partnership with a family reputed to be a part of the Italian Mafia.

Coming to adulthood, the young people born during that 2000 – a little before and a little after – are now making up the citizenship which will elect the next presidents of these United States and having as their example the contrast between Barack Obama – African American and Donald Trump – German American, racism in these United States will probably take a tumble downhill for quite some time.

Unfortunately, the current president – Donald J. Trump – will not be at the inauguration to congratulate the new president. He will have left to start his new life in Turkey.

Expectations were that Trump would go to Russia after his tenure as president because of his alleged service as a foreign agent for that country while he served as U. S. President under the Russian President Putin. However Putin is retiring and himself making plans to move on.

With a Trump Hotel in Turkey and his rumored presidential election strategy sessions with President Erdogan of Turkey having gone on for many months, a friendship has evolved which will create a major business alliance between Turkey, Erdogan and Trump.

There were hopes in the Trump family that a Trump Tower Moscow would come out of Donald Trump’s presidency, but that presidency has been such a horrendous mess that will not now happen.

Our congratulations to President-elect Biden and we commiserate with President Trump as he leaves office to start another venture.

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