Walnut Oil on Furniture?
copyright 2012 Bettina Network, inc.
From a guest and blog reader:
Thanks for your blog on using Walnut Oil on wood furniture. I tried it and it works phenomenally! I used the Olive Oil and Walnut Oil – half and half. A friend of mine used Walnut Oil straight from the Spectrum bottle. She loves her way, I love mine.
She uses hers on her wood chopping block and wood bowls she uses for mixing salads. The Walnut oil dries hard – but you have to let it sit a couple days – and it lasts awhile. She used to use Mineral Oil and I gave her a hard time about that because Mineral Oil is a petroleum derivative (ed note: from Wikipedia “mineral oil is a liquid by-product of the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline and other petroleum-based products from crude oil.”)and I don’t think it should come in contact with food. Although with all the medicines made from petroleum derivatives and other things we use coming from distillates of petroleum we should be immune – still, I tried her straight Walnut Oil on my chopping block and it was great.
I used the mixture of Olive and Walnut Oils on my antique wood furniture and the shine is unbelievable. It also looks as though nothing will penetrate or cause the furniture harm. I even used it on my grand piano. I did take an additional step. After I oiled the furniture – which was rubbing in a half and half mixture with a few drops of an essential oil – I let it sit for a couple days and then rubbed it again with just Olive Oil.
I did this by accident trying to undo what I thought was a great mistake. The furniture was very sticky and yukky after oiling it and days later it was still sticky and yukky. I didn’t know what to do and thought I had ruined my furniture. I went back to the Olive Oil, rubbed the furniture with Olive Oil on a soft rag and couldn’t believe the results. The furniture is beautiful. The shine is incredible and old looking furniture now looks soft and with a beautiful sheen.
I put essential oil in the mixture because I would like my house to have a faint smell of lemon oil and essential oil of lemon does the trick. I might try organic rose oil next time – even though it is wickedly expensive. The smell of roses through the house should be great.
What fun to experiment like this. I lost interest in cleaning and caring for my house. I have now regained that because it has become a creative endeavor and with the products you are talking about I am not worried about giving myself a serious disease from my cleaning products. I wouldn’t even let the woman who helps me clean use products she has been using for years. She thought I was being silly, but has since changed her mind and won’t use anything else. I am sure the other people she works for are happy with the change.
I don’t know where you get his stuff from but wherever, keep those great tips coming. I am guessing, from breakfast conversations.
When I stayed at XXXXXXXXXXXX in the Bettina Network we talked about recipes for making banana bread. I expected to talk about solving the huge problems in the world. Maybe next time. My banana bread, however, is great! Your guests were right about the ingredients making the difference. I used the same ingredients that I used before that conversation, in the same amounts, but they are now organic and the best I can find and the difference is astounding. Worth the few extra quarters. I eat less of it because the taste satisfies and doesn’t leave me craving white sugar, lard and flour. We didn’t solve the worlds’ problems at the breakfasts I had in the Bettina Network, but the new discoveries around banana bread is a start. And – my now using Walnut Oil instead of XXXXXXXXXXXXX means a minute amount of petroleum is no longer being used and maybe that is also a different kind of start to solving some of the world’s problem. Who said to the flower “bloom where you are planted.”
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