by Marceline Donaldson
We are once again in the cross hairs.
Donald Trump announced he would give an opinion on DACA on Tuesday (today). And, as of last night what has been given to the media is the announcement that he will end DACA with a six month time frame for folks to get ready for it – which means to get ready to be moved or to move out of the U. S. A.
When Trump announced he was thinking of ending this program from Obama’s time as president, it was clear his decision would end the program and it would be done in such a way as to attempt to obscure the facts of what he was announcing and give those who engage in denial of bigotry the opportunity to keep others from seeing what was actually about to happen until it was upon them. That fits with Trump’s history of such announcements and of his trying to wipe Obama’s presidency off the record and to continue and give another chapter to the “Birther Movement” which Trump carried on, funded and promoted for some eight plus years.
To know more about this lie and others Donald Trump has carried on see
In addition to the “Birther” lies Donald Trump claimed ISIS was founded under Obama when in fact it was formed in 2004 – Obama was elected president in 2008. And the list goes on………..most recently the FBI came out with the findings from its latest investigation into Trump’s lies. Trump claimed Obama had his wires tapped in Trump Tower during, what Trump called, “the very sacred election process”. The FBI on Friday came out to say there was no evidence to back that up after their extensive investigation into what Trump claimed was a felony that Obama committed. And the list goes on…..
Most people are asking “why”? Those who have to ask such a question are some of the people who have internalized bigotry and have a response to and justification of bigotry, which is denial – white, black, green, yellow, pink people. Denial is one of the strongest tools which got Trump elected. How else does this United States elect a man who promoted the “birther lie” for so many years and which everyone knew he promoted – yet still voted for him.
We have had a long history of bigotry in the United States, which we deny. In fact, we have gone overseas and lectured to other countries about their violation of the human rights of their citizens when the record in the United States could equal if not top some of the human rights offenses found in the countries to whom we were lecturing and demanding that they change their ways of treating their minority groups.
Our record in these United States is so bad that we – in 2017 – have elected a KuKluxKlan Legatee as president of these United States. Donald J. Trump the son of Frank Trump who was arrested at a KKK rally – was he marching, clothed in white? He clearly had an ugly civil rights record as shown from the law suit filed against both Donald and Frank Trump for not allowing black families to live in their apartment buildings.
And now we have DACA – entering this KKK Legatee’s history as a part of the anti-immigration stances and decisions made by Donald Trump.
What is wrong with DACA? All the rationalizations put out by Trump and all of the counter rationalizations put out by others to attempt to show that the young people in DACA are gainfully employed and contributing members of this society – they all need to be put aside because the reason Trump wants to end DACA lies in the reason he does everything else as president. There are 1.7% whites in DACA. The rest are minorities – the “brown” people. Given that fact, there is no way those backing Trump and Trump himself are going to allow the DACA program to continue. Their goal, showing clearly from their actions, is to make these United States a whites only country. That is the base from which they come. Throw out as many “browns” as they can using immigration laws to move that goal to fruition and then move on to other ways to eliminate the rest.
Trump didn’t come lately to the bigotry he now displays. He has been a bigot generationally. He comes by his foulness legitimately from his father and probably way beyond that. Why else would he hide his German roots calling himself and his family Swedish? Well, today all of those lies are gone and they have been replaced by the Nazi flags; the recreation of Kristallnacht in Virginia and much more. Don’t know about Kristallnacht you can read about it here – and much more. Kristallnacht was the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust in Germany.
That was a clear message that night in Charlottesville, – the White Nationalists message that this was the beginning of their Final Solution and the beginning of the holocaust for the minorities in these United States, but no one seems to have either made the connection or had the guts to report on the two as parallel events. Maybe the real message of Charlottesville was blurred by the ridiculousness of making such a statement with one of the props being the “tiki torches”.
And after the “Tiki Torch” parade anouncing the beginnings of the United States version of the holocaust comes the announcement by Trump about DACA. Cancel DACA and you get rid of lots of “brown peoples” in one fell swoop.
The anti-Semitism is now showing increasingly. It seems to have become public when one of Trump’s supporters loudly asked why he “gave” his daughter to a Jew. From then on we are seeing an increasing amount of anti-Semitism around Trump.
General Kelly – the Chief of Staff – over whom many are raving about how he has ‘cleaned out’ the White House and what great things he can do – was head of Homeland Security. What did he do as Head? He quickly and very efficiently brought in the Muslim travel ban which the courts in this country closed down and stopped him and his boss Trump from removing tens of thousands of people and from denying those who could enter these United States from doing so – almost 100% “brown peoples”. He quickly and efficiently rounded up tens of thousands already in this country and had them ready to be deported until, once again, Kelly and his boss Trump were stopped by the courts.
Another lie being told is that Trump has accomplished nothing during his seven months in office.
Trump is right when he says he has accomplished an enormous amount. Not the traditional accomplishments through Congress, but he has changed this country in ways that show we are probably no longer a democracy or republic, but he and his White Supremacist his KKK his neo-Nazi’s are putting in place, structuring and institutionalizing, a fascist government which can be controlled and moved along to become a whites only country where the minorities are slaughtered – deported – generally destroyed. Those left over whites who are still fighting the Confederate war against the United States also join this group. Those whose ancestors, real and/or spiritual, used tax payer money to build statues and memorials to their heroes – “heroes” guilty of major treason against the United States, but for the pardon they received at the end of the war.
Robert E. Lee is the one they seem to most revere. He was also found guilty of treason against the United States. That is who they want to honor with all of those statues, even changing the name of an Episcopal Church, among others to remember the events and honor what took place during that war. Continuing the fight and continually looking for ways to destroy, demean, turn the “brown peoples” into a modern day replica of slaves – all of that has been going on in this country for decades. It has finally reached and is using the power of the Office of the president of the United States. That is success. After some 50 plus years as a Republican, I am no longer a part of this political group. I resigned when Trump as elected President. It was clear that there was no hope for change; that the history of Republicanism which helped free the slaves and which fought the Democrats when they were deep into the KKK and lyncings, and etc. was now the Political Party composed of those KKK, neo-Nazi’s, White Supremacists and more like them reaching into the office of the president to achieve their goals. I moved to declare myself an Independent hoping that, as my grandmother would say – this too shall pass.
It was said that President’s Trump’s decree against transgender people in these United States was just to deflect attention away from negatives about him in the press. He did nothing to back up his decree – until weeks later when he ordered the armed forces to investigate ways and to bring about the elimination of transgender people in the armed forces. Trump deflected ugly headlines away from himself with the announcement – as he has done continuously. Others deflected by claiming he was crazy and made such announcements with nothing in back of them. We get to see that both are working together to bring this country back to a time Germany has rejected and so have others in their countries. We are moving incredibly quickly to establish such an institutionalization of extreme bigotry in these United States. Our country today – after only seven months – is barely recognizable as “free”, working to move in the direction of equality and justice, etc.
What are you doing? Who was it that said “Evil survives because good people do nothing!” That is still just as true today. This is a time when you are either out there risking or sitting in your home tending your home fires until the knock comes on your door and you are ushered out into the middle of that holocaust being planned for all of us by the White Supremacists, the KKK, the neo-Nazi’s and all of their supporters either vocal or silently.
May God have mercy on all our souls!
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