Ultra-Pasteurized = Ultra-Junk-Milk
copyright Bettina Network 2012
Today is very discouraging. I spent yesterday looking for organic milk and am discovering the good milk is being replaced all over the city by the ‘ultra-pasteurized’. It is as though stores are saying ‘we will carry organic milk, but we don’t think it will sell so we will stock the ‘ultra’ kind and therefore it will last for years on the shelf waiting for buyers.’
It is amazing to me that any store would carry ultra-pasteurized. People who are into the organic movement, or are concerned about their health and want to maximize the nutrients they take in are those who know a lot about food. Very few of us will buy anything off the shelf without first reading its ingredients. And many of us subscribe to that new adage, if you can’t pronounce one or more of the ingredients leave it on that shelf.
So why would anyone replace organic milk with organic ultra-pasteurized? That is a contradiction in terms. I would never spend my very hard earned money on such a product and neither would anyone I know.
So – take that stuff off the shelf. Complain about it wherever you see it and demand that store owners/managers/buyers get real and start producing quality organic products for the money they charge.
I will pay – but not for junk-milk or junk anything else, organic or otherwise. Hope you are with me and let it be known that you will not tolerate being asked to buy junk-food. Hmmmmm! That ultra-pasteurized milk would go well with hamburgers made of pink slime, —-on buns made with white flour left in silos and then sprayed with pesticides to kill the bugs and then sold without either removing the pesticides or the bugs (they decay – every notice the little black/brown specs in your white flour?) and without noting the pesticides on the list of ingredients in the flour, ——–french fries soaked in beef stock and sold as a vegetarian product ——and etc. etc. etc.
We are putting “ULTRA PASTEURIZED MILK’ in Bettina’s Box of Shame.
Get out there – be vigilant – protect our food supply.
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