U. S. President is Trump or Pence-Koch?
We had an interesting breakfast – one of many, but this one stood out given the current political climate so I am sending you this blog with a bit of a summary. The talk was mostly about untangling the politics currently on view. Things are never what they seem on the surface so what is percolating in the background!!??
A couple people agreed with Trump about the press. Not for the same reasons, nor did they call it or even consider the current reporting “Fake News”. They called it “Fall in Line behind the Leader News.” Basically, their impression of the press was that many reporters follow the lead of what is currently being reported by a few strong people and to go out on their own, especially if that differs from the current headlines, is not what many are able to do.
That’s a shame because that kind of independence is what is needed of a journalist and they should be ready to put down their jobs if they can’t report what they find – or if it is because of a lazy mind, they need another profession. None require the kind of sharpness of mind; independence of spirit; insatiable curiosity; need to find the truth- that is required of the press. It is a vocation rather than a job. At least those are my thoughts about it.
The rest of the conversation was around the question as to why with all that is coming out about the Trump Administration there is almost no talk about Pence. He is carefully being guarded in the background so he can come out as new, untainted, etc.?
What one person wanted to know was if the President of the United States – not the one with the title, but the one calling the shots – was actually Trump or Pence? This group felt it was Pence who was channeling the wishes of the Koch Brothers and Trump, until now was falling into line and following those wishes also. Although they saw signs of his beginning to wake up to understand the game. The game that was about Pence for Vice President because he would never be elected president and then for Pence to move into the presidency after Trump was destroyed and pushed out.
I hadn’t heard that before and it was a bit hard to understand, but as the history came out with the claim that Pence actually was the one who brought Trump to the Koch brothers (or maybe it was the Koch brothers who brought Pence to Trump with the promise of money and their backing) things began to make a bit of sense.
What also clicked for me was the discussion about the upheaval in this current administration. Starting almost from the beginning the question was asked if the Koch brothers and their minions were active in causing all of this current upheaval so their man could get in early and start working for them in earnest? A wild conspiracy theory, but a theory nevertheless which had some truth sounds in it for me. And the next questions – did Trump pick up on this early on, saw how he was deceived and how he had been cuckolded and developed enormous anger at having been so deceived? After all, that kind of thing was usually what Trump did to others, not what others did to Trump. Nothing of this has even been hinted at by the media I am reading and listening to and maybe they should take a look.
Needless to say, it was lively with lots of laughter and conjectures that were over the top. Hope we have another group like this for breakfast soon. It certainly starts the adrenaline rushing around. I got more done the rest of that day then I’ve gotten done in weeks.
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