Truth Telling on the Christine Balsey Ford/Kavanaugh problem
I wanted to get this to you before you published the responses from Lifestyle Members, but I have to work to make a living so some things take a back seat.
I see the responses and they are very to the point. My contribution is this:
When Diane Feinstein received the letter from Christine Ford she did exactly what she was supposed to do. She gave it to the FBI. They took the letter, redacted it and put it in the Brett Kavanaugh background file. All the comments dumping on Diane Feinstein about sitting on the letter from Dr. Ford are misplaced.
After the letter was put into Kavanaugh’s file it was accessible to the White House and I am sure they knew the letter was there and read it – which explains why there was such a rush to get Kavanaugh through the process before anything would happen to bring that letter to light.
The comments you are hearing trying to place blame on Diane Feinstein for holding up the letter are Kavanaugh talking points given to Kavanaugh/Trump supporters going on the air as one of their talking points. The Senators, knowing about the letter, could have called for an FBI closer look into Kavanaugh’s background at that point – but instead they pushed hard to get him through the process trying to get him on the bench before that letter hit the airwaves. And when the letter leaked before they could get through the hearing and vote they sat back and tried to dump some blame on Senator Feinstein.
They now have something else they are hiding and are making fools of themselves because they are pushing to get this done before it all comes out.
I am glad folks brought to your attention the drinking and how that was ignored in the process of past background checks. It does not matter that we are talking about high school – when Kavanaugh was first vetted that drunkenness would have been very relevant and should have stopped his first nomination to the bench. Not many high school boys get drunk and attempt rape. That by itself says a lot about the character of the person being vetted.
P. S. My guess as to why Donald Trump is so low keyed about this – remember ‘Stormy Daniels’ has a book coming out. It has some juicy sections about Donald Trump and Ms. Clifford does not hold back. She tells the whole story. It is a great book and I recommend you all read it to get a better idea of what is happening here.
A couple reporters have read and reviewed it on line. It should hit the air waves in a few days and Trump can’t afford to be out there talking about sexual assault. On TV these days he looks as though he is in the middle of a cringe. Given that book he should be.
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