Trump Tries to Trash Rice!
Well, if you thought Trump was just playing at being a bigot – have no fear – your thoughts are wrong.
To attempt to control the public conversation and steer it away from the Russian interference with the American presidential election and his possible collusion with that Russian interference, Trump has attempted to destroy the reputations of many. The latest is Susan Rice.
When – O, Lord – will this end?
It is time for Trump, his administration, his cabinet and all those associated with him to quietly take a jet to Russia and we are certain he and they will be granted Russian citizenship. They have, after all, gone a long ways to making sure Russia was bolstered as a country at the expense of the United States of America
And for those who voted for Trump? Your bigotry has cost this country immensely. So, how does that feel? If it feels good to you – you should take the second class jet to Russia. You won’t be able to take a first class jet because Trump has insured that you can’t afford to do that. We think Russia will provide you with money to live on before they ship you off to Siberia. After what you’ve done here they probably only want to insure you will be good citizens.
To the coal miners – you should have taken Hillary’s offer to re-train you and re-educate you into the core of this society’s current needs because Trump has just made fools of you to line his own pocketbook.
We now have a government getting closer to African dictatorships, Russian fascists and all the others in this world who have taken over countries for their own aggrandizement and fortune building at the expense of its citizens. Take a look at how the Trump administration is merging with the Trump Organization. And where will you be in all of this? Able to serve for a brief period of time before they move on to replace you with family members. They will soon be able to have a family reunion by having a party within the administration. How many so far? Where there had been none – we now have three and, looking at experience, education, qualifications for the job we have zip zero.
Our foreign policy? Formed as we go along out of the back pocket of Donald J. Trump. On the fly – so to speak – and from past history, that ‘fly’ is additionally open to however many and kinds of women whose ‘pussy’ he can grab.
How low is this country going to sink?
Proud of yourself Mr. Comey? And when are you – or are you going to rectify this situation? Or are you also benefitting, in spite of your claims to the contrary about being so neutral?
The United States Treasury is being depleted daily paying the bill for the Trump presidency. When they figure out how – the gold in Fort Knox will also be on the move – away from the building that now houses the gold into the Trump family treasury.
And Susan Rice? Well, Donald can’t leave any African American with a scintilla of a reputation without attempting to smear and ruin them for his own personal benefit and as ‘chum’ thrown to the sharks whose entire lives are about bigotry.
You all seem to be amazed at the mess each new thing is mired in when it is rolled out! That amazes us most of all! You elect a president who has created six bankruptcies and, in spite of knowing that history, you actually expected Trump to be a skilled businessman able to bring together and solve all of the problems of the country – and to fulfill his campaign promises. The only real promise we think Trump made was to himself – to make sure he rakes in every penny with every possible opportunity. Why else go to Mar a Lago every weekend? He is certainly raking it in through that decision. No one has said if this was a long standing habit of his or if this weekly trip to Mar a Lago developed after he became president. From everything I have read this is a new habit.
They certainly don’t lack new members trying to pay the now $200,000 membership fee raised up from the $100,000 fee that was required before Trump became president – in fact – raised almost on the same day Trump was inaugurated. This $200,000 fee does not include the yearly fees on top of that and all the money they are expected to spend each weekend – which people do spend because they are looking to hob nob with heads of state; have the president of the United States with his head of another state visitor pop into their private parties ‘unexpectedly’ with pictures of such for posterity; also see and take pictures of the occasional top secret document left open on a table; get pictures for posterity of themselves with Trump and various other high government officials, who are just as star struck at being the stars of the place when they show up and they certainly have been showing up on a regular basis. Wasn’t that Sessions walking around Mar a Lago shaking hands with all and sundry?
The Russian government – Putin included – apparently picked Trump up when he fell because he didn’t know what he was doing or how to increase the $200 million dollars his father left his – which he squandered in his rather typical fashion. they seem to have brushed him off – lined his pockets with billions – and deposited him in place as President of the United States – and why? Charged him with destroying the country? Or, actually they didn’t have to charge him to do anything – his natural way of being is to wreck wherever he lands so they were certain that Trump simply being President would wreck the United States of money, credit, reputation, the trust of its citizens, etc. And were they ever on target.
Way to go folks! You should be proud of yourselves. You have used your vote, your citizenry, your responsibilities to satisfy your bigotry against those you consider ‘less than’ and your disdain for those in need. And then you go out and call yourselves Christians. Yes, Christians because you’ve gotten rid of everyone else – the real Christians and all the other religions that you consider ‘fake’.
The ‘colored’ people of the world are being routed out of the United States and others are being kept out. Those who can’t be routed out are being destroyed in many subtle ways. And on they go – the current White Nationalists, kind of headquartered in the United States in Washington, D. C., from whom Hitler and all the others like him could take lessons.
Who was it that said “If they come for me in the morning, they will return for you in the afternoon and you will be alone, destitute, hungry, and totally discouraged with no one to stand up for you.”
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