Trump – Hitler – Idi Amin -Nationalists

Ed. Note:  Comments from Bettina Network Lifestyle Members

“It was amazing to hear Donald Trump come out with his endorsement of and commitment to Nationalism and then try to make it sound like something it is not.  That happened after listening to Trump lie at every rally.  He is so careless with the truth you could see through his talk how he was saying whatever he thought people wanted to hear and making whatever kind of promises he needed to make to win.

Most amazing was the blatantness of his claim of a 10% tax cut for the middle-class which would be introduced “next week”.  I wondered introduced to who?  Congress is not in session and won’t be until mid November – after the mid-terms. Trump already passed a tax cut that was to trickle down to the middle-class and which clearly helped almost 100% the wealthy in this country.  He has never done anything for the poor, oppressed or middle-class except take them for whatever he could get.  He certainly insured my movement from Republican to Democrat.  Changed my voter registration along with most of my Republican friends.  We celebrated after.”


“Incredible to hear the people at Trump’s rally lie.  When interviewed by a reporter as to their thoughts on only 3% blacks supporting Trump they took turns lying and so cavalierly.  One said she heard it was more like 18%; another 35%; and even more lies as to the percentages followed.  Clearly none knew what they were talking about, but they were talking/lying to support their President.  Trump’s supporters are like Trump.  They think the rest of the world is stupid and will believe something just because they say it.

I hate to say that about those with whom I share a United Sates citizenship, but truth will out.  We now know the percentage of the United States citizens who are mafia; extreme racists; pathological liars; extreme sexists; extreme bigots.  We guessed before.  We knew it was high because we are still having to vigorously fight bigots in court and other places just to gain some traction against those who want to oppress others and the fight isn’t getting easier.  But now in front of us we have the proof of the numbers – who they are as we see them in television and other places backing Trump – and they will also tell us on ‘air’ and on tape what they believe and seem proud of it.  That is a possible recruit, if not already a member of the KKK, White Nationalists, neo-Nazi’s and more.

So discouraging.  I was encouraged a bit at the beginning until I heard the hearings via the Senate Judiciary Committee and  I remembered things were not any different from the time when that committee was chaired by Strom Thurmond.  It hasn’t gotten any better. In fact, this group seems to have taken things much lower.”


“What on earth are we doing?  We now have a president and Secretary of State who support and cover for brutal murderers!  Lying and all the rest was bad enough, but backing murder?  My question – were the Trumps and their assorted backers involved in the planning before the murder?  Or did they agree to back the murderers with public statements of support after the fact?  Were they complicit in this murder or simply with the cover-up?

I can’t believe I am asking that question about the President of these United States and his family and his administration.”


“We have a president who has finally come out and announced what we have always known – he believes in Nationalism and is a Nationalist.  So did Hitler and so did Idi Amin, among many, many others, but I never expected to see my President come out with such a declaration.  It must be Mueller time and he is signaling all of the “Nationalists” to get ready to rumble.

I should have expected this because I remember Trump when he was sued by the United States Government for racism.  I remember when he campaigned and spent a fairly large sum of money trying to get young blacks executed for a crime they didn’t commit.  He was that committed to his virulent racism.  I remember all of his deals and companies which were mafia tinged.  I remember him making a fool of himself wrestling someone on the floor outside the ring during a wrestling match.  I remember him blatantly cheating on all of his wives – the worse was taking his girl friend on vacation and installing her in a condo around the corner from where he, his wife and children were vacationing and the unavoidable confrontation between wife and mistress.  I remember at the time wondering what kind of man could do that and then step back to watch what happened.

I remember him cheating so many people out of their hard earned dollars and putting small business people out of business because they had the misfortune to deal with him and lost their shirts when he took every thing from them and cavalierly walked away giving them nothing, but in control of their assets.  I remember pictures of him strutting through his casinos with people gambling all around and loving the attention he gathered.

I remember so much more that is ugly.  To now have to remember this man as President of the United States is way too much  for me to handle.  Who are you people who helped elect him?  You must be the lowest of the low because I don’t see how else you could stomach this.”


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