TRUMP and the ETHICS of the American Billionaire Class

It is quite something to have seen Donald Trump move from the spoiled child of a millionaire construction family to president of the United States. The one thing that has been consistent has been hisunbelievably bad ethical base which sinks so low it becomes hard to take in his life story and actually believe that such a man became president of these United States. As the media describes his latest sins against all humans, never has his ethical base been called out and described as his actions dictate. nor the ethical base of those who support him. They are still described as “normal” Americans. What does that say about the American ethical base?

What has that led to? A discussion about the ethical base of the wealthy in America – particularly the billionaire class using its wealth to support the kind of sin we have to see and face daily because of a Donald Trump and those like him who are rushing now to put up their money and wealth to support his transgressions. The guilty decision in this law suit is no exception.

We just saw the coverage on CNBC and particularly the business segments with their discussion and it made you want to pack up and leave these United States. The problem with that becomes where would you go! Donald Trump supporters, who push such evil in the face of others are mostly those who have made lots of money in these United States and have stolen from others to do that. Case in point is why billionaires have stolen and block out minorities and women from the money they put up as “venture capital” for the next great idea to appear in the economy. Billionaires have become such, from our experience, by stealing the companies, the ideas and so much more from just ordinary people who spend their lives working very hard for next to nothing when they have actually been those who started particular billionaires on the road to success because of successful theft of their life and work by the particular billionaires.

A man who has been accused – in the court system – of sexual abuse; who has bragged about his sexual abuse of women; has emphasized what he thinks of women and minorities and that is not much; has dragged out for all to see his horrible treatment and his feelings about his right to be abusive towards women just because of who he is – has the support of millions of people in the billionaire class and beyond. What does that say about America and its ethical base?

People who support Donald Trump on any level need to be called out for their ethical base. Your ethics are in the dumpster if this is the kind of person you feel should be president of these United States and their are tens of millions of such people. If you have ever supported such an incredible cruel, sexist, racist, manipulator to gain power instead of working towards and supporting those who are worthy- then you need to take a look at your own feelings of what is right and wrong America. And we can’t really limit this to Americans. Wasn’t Saudi Arabia the first country Trump visited after being elected president? Did his power erase for them his sins?

If you are Catholic you need to go immediately to your priest for a good long confession of those sins you have hidden. Except which priest would you go to and feel comfortable with in such a situation, especially if you are female. – Oops, take that back because male and female have the same problems of sexual security.

WHY does the American media talk about all of this surrounding Donald Trump without coming out with the real core issue. The man wallows in what Christians call sin. He does this publicly, in a very bragadocious way, who will destroy this country’s democracy for a dollar and a bit of fleeting power. And there are millions who are following him down that hole to hell.

What does that say about Americans’? We have been through slavery – taking away the very life and wealth of African as though it was our right? Today, we fight the thought and possibility of reparations wherever and whenever we can and those doing the heaviest fighting spend the most money on the fight to maintain themselves as better than and others under their feet constantly stomping all over their lives, families, futures. The confessing and making amends for the sins of slavery will never happen in this country. Donald Trump is clearly shining star to call all away from doing such.

We have been through turning women into wives who are only good enough to stay at home, take care of the children, clean the house, be the “arm candy” of – especailly – the corporate husband and accept the physical, emotional and psychic abuse which goes with that territory. If they don’t their lives turn into a living hell and constant fight, just because they are relegated and have been kept in this hole of inequality for hundreds of years. Many are still there with no hope of reprieve of any kind.

I have been aware of men at the top in corporate America who are screwing other men and before they have been able to bathe or shower they are out attempting to destroy the lives of those who are gay.

We are all heated up about immigrants and how many are moving into America. Is that because immigrants are horrible people who would destroy this country and are only crossing those borders to get something for nothing in a soft life? Or are there many Americans making loud noises because they are afraid the immigrants will take away from those immigrant American billionaires and others their right to be “better than” everyone else because – as we all know – the immigrants being fought and kept out are those considered “minorities” in this country. “Less than”. You can come in only if it is determined you are the kind of immigrant who will do the crud work so others may continue their feeling of “better than” and not have to do the kind of work immigrants are doing just to survive. Not included in that description of the minority immigrants are the English immigrants, etc. who don’t have such a hard crossing the border into America.

All of that is wrapped up in this Donald Trump play being broadcast across the world.

We have an ex-president who has run for office and cheated to win being supported by millions of Americans. We have an ex-president who has declared verbally out of his own mouth that he has the right to sexually assault and abuse women just because he is who he is and others on his level have the same right. We have an ex-president who was nurtured by Roy Cohn, Congressman Joe McCarthy and others of their ilk all of whom we held up during their good times. We have an ex-president who has been shown to be guilty in the court system of the United States of sexually assaulting a woman – with many others making the same claims – and has had to pay millions for what he did totally against his will and the will of those who aim to do the same and here we have many Americans supporting him to become the next president of these United States after he did an ethically horrendous time as president showing the children growing up in these United States that to which they can aspire if ethically they sink low enough.

This is a man who is constantly held up on CNBC Business as well as other shows. Whenever his name comes up with a horrendous activity he has done hurting women and many others Joe Scarborough is the first to come to his defense and dump on those giving him and his ugly vicious lifestyle. Joe has done this for years and still has his place at the top of this show. What does that say for its management and the show’s goals. It certainly casts American businesses into the dumpster by association.

We could go on for pages because none of what we are seeing is actually calling out Donald Trump for his viciousness, his aggregious sins against God and humankind, his theft of money, opportunity and the very life from others, and so much more.

When, O Lord, are we going to give up hell for just a little bit of heaven free from such horribleness!!!!! Why are we so attracted to and so many tens of millions support such?

Once I could say, forgive them, but today I really can’t.

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