Trump and Putin Meet, but clearly not for the first time!

It was interesting to see Putin and Trump meet.  This was touted as their ‘first face to face meeting’.  We would respectfully disagree.  What we saw was two men who were quite familiar with each other and had a strong friendship going which to us looked as though it had developed over several years.

From the very familiar way they greeted and were with each other this was not a first time meeting.  The handshake was not a traditional Trump handshake.  He was not trying to gain the superior position.

Grabbing Putin’s arm in addition to the handshake is not something one normally does upon a first meet.

Reaching his arm behind Putin to put on his back is a very intimate gesture one makes with a friend not a brand new stranger person.

Putin’s response was the same.  He clearly was face to face familiar with Donald Trump before this meeting and probably in intimate get togethers – familial, friendship or both.

The “optics” as they say, spoke volumes about their daily life and choices – everyone in the room for this meet and greet was white and male – and that included the interpreters.  A very different visual from that of others shown at the G20 – women were in attendance, participation and as interpreters.  The old boys club was on full display, in more ways than one.

And, Trump continued to diss Obama.  His white privilege and superiority is much shattered by the elegance and success of Obama’s presidency – kind of a symbol for what is going on with the rest of Trump’s base.  Trump needs to constantly reassure himself of his superiority over African Americans, at least, by attempting to tear down Obama and his presidency.  Sad!  And, isn’t that what his travel ban is all about?  Very sad!

We could be wrong, but………………


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