Trump – and his minions!

It is time to question seriously what Trump and those around him have in common.  What is the strand that keeps them together?

Have you ever thought that a Nazi mentality – a Nazi-like upbringing – a belief in those things that brought and kept Hitler in power is the connection?   A family with Nazi’s in the grandparents generation is what moves some of the young people dedicated to Trump.  Through those eyes, experiences and teachings they see him and what he is trying to do as warm, fuzzy and politically correct.

Trump wants a parade.  His father, apparently participated in the parade of 1924.  So is Trump trying to outdo his father to help prove his “manhood”.  Look at what Donald can do!

We can also say – look at what Donald Trump has done.  He is calling for a parade to “honor the U. S. Military”.  Is that really what he is doing or is a militaristic parade with the armed forces of the United States the normal follow-up to Charlottesville?  Charlottesville created terror – a military parade closely following shows the power and might to bring what the Charlottesville march was about to fruition.  Charlottesville showed who we are and what we are about.  Now look at the power and might on display that we have to bring about this night of terror.

Donald Trump has made some mighty strides in the direction of turning these United States into a larger version  of Nazi Germany.

A Nazi Parade like the one in Paris France.  Is this the parade Trump is really talking about and wants to emulate?

While the media has done some things to make sure the reading, listening and looking public is aware of this they have stopped short of an investigatory piece into the belief system that brings and keeps Trump and his minions together.

A WASP controlled world with everyone else in oppressed positions serving that world is where Trump and his group are doing their best to move this country.  They have not started this process under the table nor are their goals hidden.  Trump does everything to maintain his base.  Most claim it is to maintain his political power.  However, in reality,  that is all he needs with the power he has as president to totally change these United States.  Hitler had much less.  The growth of hate groups since Trump has been substantial.

Moving the United States into a weaker, less visible position on the world stage, the way he has done with the Olympic Games and North and South Korea seems to be a part of that plan because he can always – in Trump’s mind – bring the United States back stronger when he is done and has taken control in a way to insure WASP superiority.  (WASP = White Anglo Saxon Protestants).  And, if his plans don’t work as he envisions them he is surrounded by generals who can help.  To move these United States into the Nazi camp he needs to dampen its lights – cover its visibility on the world stage.  He needs that to continue to reach his goals.   He needs a quieted United States absorbed with what he throws out on a daily basis to deflect away from what he is actually doing to be able to bring about the political structure of the United States the way it needs it to be to be able then to bring about a United States with the structure which makes real his White Nationalist Administration.  A country with its White Supremacist Administration.  I am sure Donald Trump sees that as his legacy.

Certainly bringing John Kelly into the White House as his Chief of Staff was one way to satisfy that goal.  Kelly may be Catholic, but he is a strong four star general who can accomplish much before he is disgraced and moved out for someone else to take his place. Trump doesn’t care about a high turnover.  He cares about achieving his goals as quickly as possible.  And, if you remember there were Africans, Catholics, Jews who worked with Hitler’s government and worked to bring about Hitler’s goals of the destruction of their own groups.  Jared Kushner’s Jewishness seemed to be the negater of Nazi goals, until the cracks began to show and it was clear Trump was really using Kushner and would blow him off as easily as he will blow off General John Kelly.  We let our thoughts of family, goodness, righteousness and all the rest get in the way of seeing reality.

Trump has the added power of bringing along white women.  He has shown his thoughts about them.  He has described in detail and on many occasions both by word and deed how he sees women and the way they should be treated, but many still think, like the Africans-Americans, Immigrants of black and brown, Catholics, Jews and others that they will be the exception.  They are, after all not like those others.

If someone articulates their belief system  – believe them.  Some people hide who they are, what they believe and their goals in life.  Others will look you in the face and outline those beliefs.  The shock of some beliefs along with the arrogance of the person who outlines those beliefs for you  – like that of Nazism and the right of WASP males to treat females of all kind any way they want, using violence and rape where necessary to gain control – makes us recoil and we refuse to believe that the person really means what they’ve said.  We prefer to pass that over and look for something else.  Finding nothing our minds can accept and believe, we can always fall back on calling the person ‘crazy’.

Kelly clearly showed his allegiance to Trump’s Nazism when he took over as head of Homeland Security at the beginning of Trump’s administration and almost from the day Trump was inaugurated put in place Trump’s plan to make sure no more “immigrants” – or should we say no more brown and black people entered this country and as many as possible as quickly as possible were beginning to be moved out of this country trying to stop the movement of the United States from white to all those other colors of people – one of Trump’s campaign promises.

Kelly has lost track of his own people’s history in these United States.  For a refresher, he should travel south and see the Native Americans with red hair; the African Americans who picked up the ‘fashion’ of streaking their hair red because the fairly common mixture of Native American, Irish and African produced women with that red hair and that was, for a time, a standard of beauty.

When you look at Trump’s supporters and workers in the White House and around his campaign and those contributing money to allow and help Trump achieve his goals you will find the Nazi contingent strong and at the core of the Trump-people.  You will find Nazi’s around the Porter situation and possibly in Porter himself.  Look closely!

You can ask the question why did they support Porter and allow him so much leeway given what they knew about him.  Or you can put on your big girl and big boy pants and admit what is out there for all to see.  Porter clearly was a close part of Trump’s group and what they were doing and what they believed.  Security clearances only handicap Trump’s goals – so they are not important to him or his group.  They know who they want working in the White House and they know who they can trust.  Only trust from the FBI Security Clearance perspective is very different from trust from the Trump Nazi Group perspective.  Don’t let Porter’s Harvard connection cloud your eyes.  The pattern is clear.

Look at all the rest!  Steve Bannon?  Steven Miller?  and on and on and on.  Those who are exposed and caught in behavior this country will not tolerate are fired, but they do not leave the circle.  They can still contribute even though they are the outside of the White House.  They are still inside the Nazi Circle of Trump!

Next to Kelly there is Porter.  Apparently, they got along just swimmingly.  How come?  Was Porter raised around Nazi’s and raised into that Nazi belief system?  Something was roiling around in him and it clearly looks as though that is it.  In everything Kelly has done with Trump he has shown himself ready and able to sacrifice every morality, bit of character, decent ethics to help Trump bring about the world the way Trump sees it.  When Kelly leaves the Trump circle he will not be kept close.  He will have served his time and his purpose and he will have to move back into that unwashed group.  Porter, however, will continue to be held close.  He may be moved out of the White House contingent, but he will probably become more important with those Trump keeps close on the outside so that he has a soft landing and continues the work of Trump’s Nazi Circle.

That is a strong philosophy and belief and holds people tightly together giving up any goodness of character, any ethical beliefs which keep them respecting themselves and their families and their friends and keeps them from being respected by those outside the Trump Nazi Circle.  It is a philosophy which generates enormous anger in those who hold it because they turn against anyone deemed “less than” who act and feel “equal too”.  Those are brutalized, physically harmed and eventually…………….!

Before you reject the above – test it out.  Do the work of digging to see where the folks in Trump’s Nazi Circle come from.  How did their beliefs form.  Pull out the Nazi family members who were close by when they were little giving them the Nazi belief system and their own superiority beliefs at a very impressionable age.  Let go of the claim that Trump is crazy.  He is about as ‘crazy’ as was Hitler.  The descriptive word that applies here is evil!


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