TRUMP – An Even Newer Post

by: Marceline Donaldson, December, 2016

There are some things that people are afraid to say about Trump.  Because of the way Trump is moving fast towards his goal of heading a racist, sexist, totally compliant society, we need to be aware of what is in his environment:

It is clear that some people believe Trump is a part of the mafia.  If you look around, that is beginning to leak out. The tweets which talk about his purchases from the Genovese family for his businesses and more say to me – who buys from a crime family?  Do they have to belong?  Are the prices cheaper?  The quality better? Or is this patronizing family?  Trump tweets with regularity, but have you seen Kurt Eichenwald’s tweets?

“Kurt Eichenwald ✔@kurteichenwald
67. Trump opted out of using steel on many buildings, instead purchasing concrete from businesses controlled by Genovese crime family.
4:27 PM – 7 Nov 2016”

There have been conjectures about Trump being “the Don” Trump, but the media has totally ignored that.  There have also been conjectures that Trump’s real mission is to organize a world-wide mafia into a loose organization with all groups represented – the Italian Mafia, the Russian Mafia, the Eastern European Mafia, etc.  That could have been researched by some enterprising media person, but it was left totally alone.  The question about the possible Mafia background of someone running for President of these United States is an important question which needs to be answered soonest.

Eichenwalds tweets are from his research into Trump’s businesses.  He has been tweeting for quite some time, have we been listening?  To see this story unfold is amazing.  This is who we elected President?

In addiiton, only now is it coming to the fore in ways that America is beginning to see and take seriously, Trump’s involvement with Russia and Russian involvement with the American Presidential election trying to get Trump elected and Hillary pushed to the side.  It is clear that was a very important and effective dynamic in this past election and will have repercussions into the future.

In addition, we have not only elected someone who appealed to Putin to hack his opponents emails and other requests, we have also elected someone commonly called a bully.

To see the bullying side of Trump – look at his “Thank You” rallies.  I’ve seen threats before, but this is a huge threat to the Electoral College.  If you don’t vote Trump in – he is ready to send his people on a rampage and his rallies are making sure he is in a position, at the time of the vote, to do just that.  And let us not blame Trump.  Standing next to him and participating as an equal in all of this is his Vice President-elect Pence.

In addition, we have elected a man who is sexually abusive and has several women accusing him of serious sexual abuse.  Our response? Disbelief.  Our sexism does not allow us to take that seriously as being any kind of character flaw which will negatively affect these United States for generations to come.

The people Donald Trump has called to Trump Tower – people who were against him and said horrible things about him and called on others to not support him – Trump is now parading in front of the press so the American people can see the two faces of their politicians and their leaders.  He has humiliated Mitt Romney – Silicon Valley supporters of Hillary Clinton using Peter Thiel to organize that “show and eat-humble-pie meeting”. Thiel is and has been a Trump supporter almost from the beginning.  What is also amazing about that is the rumor that Peter Thiel is gay – isn’t one of Trump’s planks one against such people and against the LGBT Community as being less than?  So is this how Peter Thiel works out his own self-hatred? It is an American Tragedy.

We have an American President-elect who is skilled at bringing out the worst in people as he moves along with his divide and conquer way of life.  Satan is strolling across America having one incredible party after another and look who is being invited.

One recent rally called on people in attendance to applaud for the African Americans who didn’t vote.  That was a show and tell lesson on how he is going to turn America against its own and increase the level of racism without being upfront about it.  He led that group of people into a not so subtle hate rally without their even realizing they were participants in such a time.  After that rally he was able to call for that bowl of water and wash his hands claiming innocence – he wasn’t being racist, he was being supportive of Blacks.  He didn’t do it, they did it to themselves.

Divide and Conquer is still serving Trump very well.  When he finishes, the world and practically everyone in it will be at odds with each other and in the chaos, Trump will win and walk calmly into a huge increase of wealth and power.

His greatest achievement has been to have some 37% of the Republican Party preferring Putin to Obama.  They see him as a benevolent ruler who they admire. They are blinded to the extreme racism of that preference.  The one the world calls a “butcher” – and who shares the blame for what is happening in Aleppo, 37% of the Republican Party calls a great ruler.

Having recently left the Republican Party to stand with the Independents,  it has been quite a time for me to see this.  Some things do come together.  When I left, projected out of the Party, finally, by Donald Trump’s nomination, there was no one left in the Republican Party who I knew as a young person just beginning to vote – to get involved – following a family tradition.  A racial tradition also because years ago most Blacks were Republicans.  Lincoln freed the slave and Blacks are nothing if not loyal.  That has changed and all of those who were very much a part of that Grand Ole Party have run screaming out of the Republican Party as they witnessed more and more of its current members putting on their white sheets and looking in the mirror to make sure their tall white pointy hats were sitting at just the right angle.

I couldn’t believe the Party I knew – through the Rockefeller Republican years and more – was not going to move back to its roots.  But it has moved so far. those roots have been killed off and can’t even be used to fertilize the ground around it anymore.  How time changes all of us.

At the end, everyone I met in this new Republican Party had come, fairly recently, from the Democratic Party, which has been throwing out and alienating its more conservative members for at least a generation.

When I signed up as a Republican, the Democrats were the racists.  If you were a Democrat and Black and tried to vote you were in serious trouble.  When the Democratic Conventions were held it was – no Blacks allowed – especially none with a seat at the Conventions.  Fannie Lou Hamer and others changed that and the Democratic Party has been changing ever since.  It was the Party of Movements moved from recruiting its members from the KKK movement and the White Nationalist Movement to recruiting its members from the Black Civil Rights Movement and the Feminist Groups and now those convened about the environment and more.

What an amazing life I have lived.  What spectacular events God has allowed me to witness.  With that comes a wisdom I had no idea would accrue.

In all of this I feel most pain and sympathy for the many friends and acquaintances I have met, worked and played with over the years who lived a very circumspect life.  They made decisions taking care that they carefully preserved themselves from getting out there – from taking stands for that which they believed, if that was not sanctioned by their peers and society – from supporting the less fortunate if they were not those currently on the “in” list – from ever being there for those oppressed, because that kept them and theirs in power.  They would get involved if society showed how to do that in an ‘acceptable’ way.  That ‘acceptable way’ was always one which would give one a chance to ‘show boat’, but preserve one from making basic change.  I didn’t and still don’t understand why.

I used to wonder what was wrong with me that I didn’t do the same?  Why did I jeopardize a career to take a stand for minorities and women who were being discriminated against at the Pillsbury Company when the only women in management were White and were either over the kitchen or secretarial pool?  Why did I take on the role of organizing  – as a member of NOW and with the National Urban League – a boycott against General Mills because of the way they advertised and sold all of their products to women and minorities but had none above a management level in their company – as a member of the NOW National Board, why did I run for President on a platform which was incredibly unpopular holding up a mirror and asking why the organization was so determined to be so White relegating Black Women to support roles and claim to be fighting for equality.

Even as a young child – 9 years old, why did I go from door to door in my New Orleans neighborhood asking my neighbors to call the telephone company and disconnect their telephones because young Black Women could not be hired as telephone operators.  Why did I cause my grandfather grief when I demanded that he lead a charge opening membership in his beloved Prince Hall Masons to everyone and get rid of the women’s group, which was clearly an appendage to the main male group making that membership equal to all, especially when membership in that group gave a positive push to one’s vocational movements?  I could go on, but it gets worse.

Today, as I look at Donald Trump and what he is about – I see someone who is the personification of a human being who has spent his life chasing the economic/ financial/power in a society.  He seems to think achieving all of that is the ultimate and he has spent his life engaged in that kind of struggle.  His ethics, character, – his life has been formed out of that struggle for all things temporal.  All things that die horrible deaths.

He has reached the ultimate spot in this country.  The honey-pot of power from which he can extract money, power, position beyond his wildest dreams.  But he is such a pathetic figure.  He has learned to manipulate, to twist, to humiliate his detractors, to squeeze everything he can squeeze from those struggling around and beneath him.  He has used women and other minorities to puff himself up and get whatever good feelings he could get from creating an identity as the ultimate White Male Power Hungry Potentate.  And he is the most humiliated, despised, friendless person I have ever seen.   You look at him and it is painful to see the emotions he is experiencing in the middle of what could have been his finest hour.

His ancestors – those who have brought him to this place and this time – are all gathered around him to bask in his glory – hoping and praying to share a bit of warmth from his life.  They, who helped to create him, are surrounded by storm clouds, and hurricanes, and freezing ice falling all around – and they have no warmth anyplace.  They have no protection from the horribleness of their environment – from where they live for an eternity, yet they are doing their best to support Donald Trump because their need and hope is that his life will bring some warmth to their afterlives.  Given the frigid cold in which Trump lives and has chosen,   I don’t think I have ever seen anything so sorrowful.

You can manipulate, humiliate, destroy, and all the rest for a lifetime.  But if you have not lived life to accumulate love, wisdom, friends, ancestors in warm wonderful places, what has your life been about?  You pay for your sins and you receive for your goodness – there is no way for us to change that.

Given all that I have seen in life, for some of us the best is yet to come.  For the Donald Trump’s of the world, the excruciating future and eternity is also yet to come and from the way it looks, I am content.


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