TRUMP: An Analysis – Another One

by: Marceline Donaldson 2016

No more calls, please.  I will give you my final say.  You probably won’t like it, but here goes:

What do I think about this election?  It told me much about myself in relation to the United States of America’s citizens and structures.

I am a minority and the laws of these United States have that written into them.  What is that? Me – and those like me – are less than.

Laws have been challenged, changed, made, amended, but there are always more because slavery was a part of the founding of these United States and that structural inconsistency is a part of what we have inherited.  And before slavery, the laws that enslaved Africans were based on the marriage laws – so sexism also plays a part.  That is why the Constitution must be a living, breathing, changing thing – and – that is why the bigots in this country want it to be set in stone.  To tell the truth is powerful.  To be able to hear the truth and respond is even stronger.

White Supremacy Ideology was developed during slavery to justify one group over another -better than another – which  allowed that slave holding group to go to Church on Sundays and participate in life as though they were good people.  Before that, WHITE did not exist and it was clearly not a race. These newly named WHITES demonized, demeaned, destroyed the lives of many to be able to be slaveholders and mistreaters of women and other minorities and still sit in the pew they paid for with what felt to them like a clear and clean conscience and to exercise their prerogative to be lazy.  Lazy how?  To import “immigrants,” who then were called “slaves” for the sole purpose of doing their work to achieve their goals of building this country.

That White Supremacist Ideology has maintained even into today and even though some slavery has been abolished.  Slavery involving Africans – stealing African citizens from their country and “importing” them into the United States.  That slavery is now illegal.  We have moved on because as technology develops and all of what has come from the Industrial Revolution morphs and changes,  this society does not need that  kind of physical labor anymore.  We now resort to “emotional slavery” – using women, dogs, other animals, etc. – but that is for another time.

Jews were “Blacks” and “N*****S until the Black Civil Rights Movement came along and then gradually they became “WHITE”.

East Indians – the same.

Today Latina’s are “Blacks”, but some are gradually taking on new racial identities as “WHITE”.  And so it goes.

We won’t even begin to include American Indians – foreigners on their own land.

This election has said clearly that I may be an American citizen because my family has been here from the beginning and my family has been added to with “immigrants” who have been here for several generations, but that does not make me free and equal.

My vote, for example, is only worth a percentage of what other peoples votes are worth.  If I lived in the “countryside” instead of in the city, my vote would count as one plus  – the plus coming from what was taken from other United States Citizens to make sure that my unequalness would remain wrapped into the institutional structure of this country.  Those not as equal cannot vote as equals and those ‘better than’ have their better-than-nes institutionalized in the structure of the country in which they live, contribute, and more.

The one vote lie that we tell United States citizens and others is just that – a lie.   Since I live in the city, I do not have “one person one vote”.  That lie has been told to me and mine for generations. And since most minorities – with very few exceptions – live in the cities – another way to discriminate, that has been around  for generations, has now come full circle and created a tyranny to maintain the bigotry which is still in our structures. Its maintenance has shown up when Whites most needed it – when they are about to become the “Minority”, but the structure is doing its best to maintain them as a “Majority” which dictates how everyone else shall live and how they shall maintain their White Supremacy.

That is what brought Donald Trump into office.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over one million votes – 1,000,000.  If you are still saying 200,000 then check your figures, they are wrong.

Having won the popular vote, Hillary should be president of these United States.  What happened!  Why did she “lose”.

  1. She is a woman.
  2. She is a woman who identifies as a feminist.
  3. She is a woman who is well known in the African American and other minority communities because she has been there for all of us.  From the beginning of her career in law when she stood with Marian Wright Edelman working to bring about positive change for many children – who, but for, would have had a very different and much more difficult life.
  4. Many in the media were bribed by Trump with weekends in MaraLargo and other amenities and they then talked Trump 24/7.  Apparently there are no checks and balances to make sure that kind of bribery does not happen and it was given free range in this Presidential Campaign.  It doesn’t matter what you say as long as you keep saying it about me 24/7 with hardly a comment about my competition and that comment, when made,  is negative – and I will win any election in which I take part.
  5. Donald Trump viciously called out those who said anything, even slightly negative about him or his and so people became more reticent and more careful with what they were saying.
  6. Our own FBI through its head – Comey – interfered with the election of President of these United States to make the election come out in favor of their candidate Donald Trump.  A vicious turn and a total sell-out of what that Director of the FBI took an oath as to what he would and would not do.
  7. Wiki Leaks did all it could – went way above and beyond to elect Donald Trump over a woman.  When this happened and I saw how viciously they were going after Hillary, I began to believe the charges of rape against Assange.  This was certainly sexual abuse by an organization – Wiki Leaks.   It was rumored that he did these deeds hoping Donald Trump would give him asylum.  An immigrant from Sweden, after all, would be much more acceptable than those from Muslim countries, from Mexico and more.   (It will be interesting to see if he is prosecuted for hacking into computers without the permission of the owners of those computers.)
  8. Since Hillary Clinton supporters came mostly from the cities, clearly the percentage of one vote that each one had determined that this election would go against her.  Handicapping her voters and lying to them in the lead up to this election.  “Your vote counts.”  One person one vote”. etc.
  9. MAJORLY, Donald Trump “won” because he is the first candidate to come right out front to say he was a racist and sexist and made no bones about it.  In fact, he emphasized that fact by having racists and sexists – well known – along with their organizations up front in his campaign for the presidency of the United States.  We are a racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-semetic/anti-immigrant and more country.  We are a country in which bigotry reigns and has reigned throughout our entire existence.  We have covered over that fact with denial, blaming the victim, pointing the finger at other countries to deflect from our own misconduct, using code words to cover what we actually are saying and mean and more. To achieve the small gains we have achieved, over the generations, has taken many people giving their lives for this to happen.  It has taken multi-millions more to have given up their futures to take less financially and otherwise to fight for the rights of everyone.  It has taken enormous courage to stand in the face of bigotry and fight for its elimination.

  10. When faced with the possibility of electing a woman who was anti-racism/anti-sexism/anti-all of the other isms, there is no way we would do anything other than elect the racist who was running against her.  Why?  Because this country was set up to make sure that would happen.  The people in the country side who are, generally – with some exceptions, determined to live in a racist/sexist country cast votes worth more than those in the areas where minorities live.  They had more than one person one vote and it is not the only time that has happened in this country.  When it happened a few years ago – please notice we did not change the system.  We did not have a movement of any depth and breath to attempt to change the system to give one person one vote.  If that had happened Hillary Clinton would be president.
  11. To maintain the Electoral College and all that it brings in its wake is a racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitc things to do and our Civil Rights laws need to come into play as we move to eliminate this Electoral College and bring into this country a truer democracy with an actual one person one vote ethic.

  12. the way this is set up today, it violates the intention of my rights under the Constitution of these United States, which was and is that all people are created equal.  To make some more equal by conferring upon them a larger vote just because of their geography – the place where they live – is not understandable under what the United States of America claims to be to itself and to the rest of the world.
  13. Donald Trump did not appeal to the “working classes” he appealed to the bigots – the racists and the sexists.  That was made clear through the button Donald Trump supporters proudly wear – the NO to Political Correctness button – which is simply another way of saying “Yes, I am a bigot and proud of it.”  

  14. Donald Trump spent a few years setting the stage for this Presidential Campaign so he would not be misunderstood.  Years during which he called Barack Obama many ugly names, encouraging his followers to go even further.  Donald Trump insisted Barack Obama was an illegitimate president because he was not born in the United States and more.  Donald Trump was the “Mouth piece” for the birther movement and gave it breadth and depth.  Given those years of campaigning before the campaign, it was not possible for anyone to misunderstand who he was and from where he was coming.

    Many in the media are looking for the code words to use that will satisfy those of us who are angry – very angry.  The interviews and panels and other forms of media forensic dissecting of this election has been about everything but the truth and the truth needs to be told. At best, it has only been hinted at, except for a very few of these propaganda shows. 

    Listen to what people are saying and how they are twisting themselves into all kinds of contorted figures to say they are relived that a racist white man who sees women as sex objects has won and they voted for him because the demographic in these United States is on that precipice of change where it is going to roll over in this country from the majority being  “White” to majority being  “Minority”.  Their hope and their vote went to Trump because they think he will be able to stop and change that process or put something in place that mitigates and keeps “White” on top in spite of the fact that their numbers will be in the minority.

Need I go on?  I think that says it all.  The looking for ways to recast this so the United States of America can continue in its place where it is supported by hypocrisy – lies – and more needs to stop.  Truth needs to be told or America will never be great again.  Especially never great in God’s eyes.

The slogan – “Make America Great Again” is one everyone understands.  It comes from Ronald Reagans campaign where it meant then what it means now “Make America White Again” and that needs to stop.


We either learn from history or we are condemned to repeat it.  As it sets up today – the first government to come out to meet Donald Trump is Japan.

TODAY, You are looking at the first people being nominated by your new so called “President Elect”  Chris Christie is out because it is rumored that he put Donald Trump’s son-in-laws father in jail and their disagreement finally erupted and ended in Christie’s ouster.  True or not that could be symbolic for the rapists, thieves, thugs and assorted others now taking their place at the top of American Governmental circles.

You are looking at others who have compromised their values and ethics and are now running into Trump Tower because they are power hungry and are explaining away why they took the stands that they did when Donald Trump was running for President.  They clearly took those stands, not out of their beliefs, values, great moral character, but they took those stands because they thought Donald Trump would lose and they wanted to clear the deck so they could be appointed to a big position by who they thought was the new incoming President, Hillary Clinton.  That was all cast, by them,  as decisions coming out of their “character”, ethics, etc.  Was that really the case?  Because they are now showing their real character, ethics, etc. as they seek power, money and position and are backtracking to get in line in front of Donald Trump to kiss the ring.

God acts in mysterious ways and this is one.  We can now clearly see our so called “leaders” and we know exactly where they are coming from.  This time does not come around often.  More often than not our “leaders” are covered in their hypocrisy.   Today, the cover has been stripped off everyone and they are standing before you naked.  Take a good look and learn the lessons being taught.


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