One could say God’s justice to America for setting up the Electoral College and ruining what could have been a beautiful democratic country has arrived in the form of a caricature of the person they wanted to insure that “White” Males – most like America’s founding fathers – would always be in control of the government.

I was astounded to see the photo-opportunity of the tech group around the table with Trump and his children.  What a ridiculous scene.   If ever I lost respect for a group of people, that photograph did it.

They are the embodiment of the Trump campaign, even though they claimed to support Hillary Clinton – and some of them did with their money and time.

Billionaires all!  White Americans all! A very small percentage women – something like one percent! And organized by Trump’s resident Gay – Thiel.  Now Trump has a Black – Omarosa; a Jew – Jared Kushner; a Gay – Paul Thiel.  He will have one of every minority group showing up in the media shortly – to prove his unbiased self!

Problem is – this is how many outside of America view your country!  Do you wonder why so many have been so easily “turned” to become terrorists against you?  Worry no longer.  Take a look at what is unveiling on a daily basis.

I had hopes your Electoral College would turn this around.  Make up for the mistake created when it was created, but that is not going to happen.  Trump threatened to sue to force the Electoral College to make him president.  That is not necessary.   He and Paul Thiel came up with something better.

That event was clearly for the purpose of “crowning” Trump – and it did the job.  No issues were raised.  No conversation about anything of substance.  No reason for such a gathering except to show the group their future.  Toe the line or you will be on the outside looking in – i.e. the head of Twitter.  In spite of the fact that Trump uses Twitter amazingly often and in spite of the fact that he probably restored and plucked Twitter from the down trend it was on – its head was not invited to this gathering.  So folks, either get in step or step outside where you will be throughout a Trump presidency.

It was a time to gather a very strong group together to show they respect Trump’s election and will abide by it – so the inauguration can proceed and the Electoral College’s vote will be just a formality.

Since when does an incoming president put on such a show before his inauguration?  This show certainly eliminated any chance that the Electoral College would vote – either for Hillary or to abstain – to avoid the oncoming catastrophe for America.  It showed that Trump would ignore any conflict of interest and move ahead strongly with building the Trump Businesses – and this group will acquiesce.  How did he do that?  With his children at the table – no objections – no issues raised about any conflict – nothing except an acceptance of what happened.

This is your 1% America.  Take a good look.  One thing they all clearly lack is – moral courage.  Another – they will do nothing to jeopardize what they see as their business future.  Another – they will participate, even if that means just being there and saying nothing – their presence indicates their acquiescence and acceptance.

Whatever happens in the future America it is clear that the 99% of you are alone – unorganized – easily led – and can’t see your own good.  You will follow whoever promises to keep you White – Male – and true to the definition of “White American”.  Your hypocrisy is overwhelming to any thinking person.

Next step?  Trump – the new Messiah.  After that?  Re-read the history of Nazi Germany, you are going to make that look minuscule by comparison to what you can do.  It won’t be the ovens nor the concentration camps, it will be your own brand of extreme oppression.  No or very little regulation – a Department of Justice which supports the White Nationalists Groups against the real oppressed minorities in your country – a raped Public Education sector – an eliminated Department of Energy – a Secretary of State, the strongest person in the Trump Cabinet, who delivers you to the wishes and desires of Putin – a press that elected your president and is now gearing up to anoint him the new Jack Kennedy – need I go on?

God help you!


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