Transforming Africa! A Poem by Esi Elliot
Copyright by Bettina Network, inc. for Esi Elliot
Africa, once again is transforming into a king
Bridging and reaching to unite as one motherland!
Embracing and lacing through cleave of nations,
Moving from collision to coalition.
Golden chains of economic cooperation that adorn the neck –
Thinking –
A crown of dazzling precious stones
Adorn the head and stirs the blood in the brain.
Creative thoughts are ablaze like crackling fireworks,
Shooting upwards with strategic zest and zeal
Signaling kingly feats.
Gulping down sweet wines of knowledge and education
Refreshing liquids of intellectual realization
Greatly priced and intricately styled
Prints of human capital
Rich gold bouquets of culture and empowerment
Quilts of liberalization and freedom
The belly of resources split open
To spill out the innates of prosperity
Gold, silver, diamonds, wood, ivory and precious stones
Carved intricately into vanity cases full of perks that surround the cities
Away the tear drops that blind the vision
Eagle eyesights watchful over courts and parliaments
Eyes like colored glass-beads feast on order
A resplendent image of a million twinkling stars
Organized, prioritized, synchronized
Dredging the stinking oasis of corrupt practices and wrong values
Siphoning the huge infected cloistered water bodies
Destroying the sandbars of barren deserts of extortions
Creating a timeless and enduring allure of a welcoming land
We did it! Great dynasty of lucrative offers, studied elegance, colorful mosaic
Of festivals, fairs and feasts
Joyous pageantry of celebration, exuberance and fanfare
King again, oh Africa!
King again, oh Africa!
By: Esi Elliot
Dr. Elliot is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Suffolk University
She researches and teaches Global Marketing, Innovation, Consumer Behavior
with Degrees from: University of Illinois (PhD)
Schiller International University in the UK (MBA)
University of Ghana (BS)
A distinguished scholar who uses metaphors as motivation
and a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community!
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