Toss Viagra, Try Zinc
copyright 2008 The Bettina Network, inc.
We had a very exciting breakfast – some would think it was x-rated, but it was a family-friendly discussion.
Apparently, the power of zinc is beginning to circulate. I thought we knew all there was to know about nutrition, vitamins, etc. but this bit of knowing was new to us. It can be a bit disconcerting when you realize you don’t know it all!!!
A couple people at the breakfast table talked about how they discovered, in the process of taking zinc lozenges to get rid of a cold, or to dampen its horrid impact on the body, that they had interesting side affects. Not realizing exactly what caused those side affects, they experimented with several things they had been eating and much to their surprise it was the zinc lozenges. At this point, the breakfast table broke up into peals of laughter.
Much to our surprise, a quiet voice, from a woman at the end of the table verified that she also had the same experience and having tried it over and over again, the results were always predictable. She decided to take away her husbands viagra and substitute zinc. She did and he didn’t notice the difference.
Could this be a great new scientific breakthrough? Or has this been known for hundreds of years only to be hidden from this current generation! Have we discovered something new or did our table talk rediscover what was generally known before we became so alienated from one another?
I hope this knowledge doesn’t result in zinc being taken off the market the way the effectiveness of almonds was destroyed through that pasteurization process.
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