To Sara – Vinegar Pumps
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2013
Hi Sara,
Thank you for your telephone call. It has taken a while for us to research your question, but your question opened other doors and presented information to us we weren’t looking for – so thank you and we enjoyed the research and hope this helps.
You wanted to know about finding “pumps” for your Organic Apple Cider Vinegar bottle as talked about in our blog on “More on Apple Cider Vinegar” published Monday, July 23rd, 2012.
It said “I put the second bottle in the bathroom after I found a pump which fit the top and which made my Apple Cider Vinegar bottle ‘pumpable’ for cosmetic purposes.”
We went back to the person who wrote the blog and found the following:
Such pumps are common. We found them all over the place. The person who wrote the blog used to buy lotion which came with a pump. Since she saves everything she had a supply of the pumps which had been in her lotion bottles which she cleaned, stored and saved. She told us how excited she was to find a use for the pumps she thought might languish on the shelf for years. (A true hoarder in the making). You might look around to see if you have such bottles to use their pumps when they are empty.
Lacking that we went looking other places:
Frontier Co-op has pumps in their catalog – try
Home Depot has pumps which can be used for all kinds of bottles.
The vinegar we use – Bragg’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with mother, quart size – is 2 centimeters around the top and most pumps will fit for whichever size vinegar you buy. We buy the quart size, which is the 2 centimeters (We called Bragg’s to make sure of the size of the mouth of the bottle).
Sometimes you can find a pump which fits the top of the bottle, but which you need to cut because it is too long to fit. We would suggest you cut the bottom stem on the diagonal.
We also found pumps in CVS, Walgreens and more. All of them were really inexpensive.
Hope all of the above helps. If we come across a very elegant pump we will let you know!
In our quest for your pumps we came up with some interesting information.
We found one person, who bought her pumps from Frontier Co-op, who puts a quart-size bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar in her bathroom with a pump, but she also uses a pump on the olive oil mixture we suggested in another blog. She pumps it out onto her rag to clean her floors. In addition, she uses the same mixture as a lotion and since she doesn’t get what is in the bottle contaminated because of the pump, she uses the same mixture after her bath and to clean her wood floors.
That sounded a bit much for us, but we pass it along if you want to try this.
The Olive Oil mixture for cleaning floors is – one quart bottle Olive Oil (or whichever size you want to buy); add the juice from one or two organic lemons, depending upon the size of the bottle of Olive Oil; and to this add several drops of essential oil of whatever you like best. We recommended organic essential oil of lavender because in a house that is a really soothing smell to come home to – you can almost become addicted to the smell.
If you want to also use that recipe for your body lotion, you might want to change the oil – roses, gardenia’s, every kind of flower or mix a couple essential oils as you put in a few drops of each into the bottle.
You can also use this on your hair for a little oil treatment or a bit on your hands after you wash your hair. However, we prefer sticking to coconut oil for the hair because that seems to help control the curl. If you have straight hair you might want to change that to the olive oil because it gives some curl – some people would say frizz.
Call again if you can’t find the pumps.
All of us at Bettina’s
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