I know you want other than Trump writings, but this can’t be let pass.

Where does this WALL thing come from and why is it so important the government was shut down because of it?

The thrust of Trump’s life and his administration has had bigotry as its center. He and his are “better than”. His campaign came naturally out of who he is and what he has been about.

So where did this wall thing come from?

In the 1920’s a huge push of the KuKluxKlan was a wall which the extreme bigots of the country wanted because they thought it would keep the brown and black peoples of the world out of the United States. They considered it their territory and a white territory. Anyone different was not welcome because they would be taking the privileges, etc. from them and their family and their friends.

Trump’s wall was initially proposed as a cement wall. The buildings Trump’s companies constructed were built using cement and he bought his cement from an Italian Crime family. That is common knowledge. So, this wall thing could be business as usual.

Now, all of a sudden, he changes his wall from cement to steel. Where does that come from?

During that same time frame – in the 1920’s – when the KKK was making its big push for a wall on the southern border, that big push from the KKK and other such organizations was for a “steel wall”. The goal was to keep out undesirables. They were not trying to keep out “terrorists” they were trying to keep these United States white with everyone else not able to come in and a very high steel wall was what they pushed to get built on that southern border – where the black and brown peoples mostly came from.

Isn’t it interesting that first Trump is turned away from agreeing to sign the bill passed through the Senate which did not include the $5 billion dollar down payment for a WALL that would end up costing at least $25 billion. Then, as he backtracks on that and moves on he is declaring, in that process, that the wall would be a “steel wall” instead of a cement one. etc. etc.

Sorry guys. Guess the Italian mafia didn’t do their marketing and advertising to keep Trump as a customer for their cement. Better luck with the next project. If you align those projects with the history of extreme bigotry in this country and bring your sales pitch into line with that you might not lose business.


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