The Underbelly of Mortgage Foreclosures #WellsFargo

We are drowning in the number of people who have contacted us.  In the process we discovered lots of information we did not have before.  Their experiences are eerily similar.

We said in another articles on Wells Fargo Boycott to always have a recording device close to your telephone and when talking to banks, etc. who say to you “we are recording this conversation” .  We knew why from a legal point of view.  If someone wants to record the conversation, you should always be able to record the same conversation because something is not quite kosher, especially if they will not talk to you if you say you will record the conversation because you want a record to be able to produce in case their recording comes up defective, saying something that wasn’t said in that conversation.  

So many people have talked to us about how vicious the people, who worked for Wells Fargo and other banks and who called to talk to them when their homes were in foreclosure or going into foreclosure. Or who talked to them when they called about the same issue.  

What all of this reminds us of is the way immigrants are being treated on the border.  In this society we have wonderful people.  We also have those who would pour out water caring people put out so those in the dessert trying to cross would not die of dehydration.  Those same kind of people, working for banks,  are vicious when talking to people at the very stressful time of seeing their home – probably their only asset – in the process of being lost to them.  

At some point, this society considers you sub-human.  That seems to be when you are at a point where billions are about to be made and you are one who is going to help them make it – at your personal, life-draining expense.  You become something other than human.  PLEASE always have a recorder.  There is no reason to endure the kind of abuse about which we are hearing.  The names called – the extreme bullying – the attempts to destroy a persons self-worth.  We are not sure what that does in this foreclosure process, but it is common.  If you have a recorder and can record the other side of the conversation you have a record as to how you were and are treated.

What we also have discovered is the process by which billions are made by banks and the billionaires on the backs of the people who are going through a bit of hell.  No one purposely lets their homes go into foreclosure.  That happens when other things are going wrong.  When it happens the bank foreclosures contribute substantially to the homelessness in this society.

Once your home is foreclosed the bidding process happens.  Some homes, which are not worth a lot will be put on the side.  Those which have a substantial net worth between the mortgage owed the bank and the retail value of the house.  Those are the homes which cause all those involved to drool and their evil side to emerge.  

The house is foreclosed and sold at auction.  That kind of aution process seems to have been designed to keep the price down – substantially below the retail value of the house.  Homes found worthy are purchased by speculators who then turn around and almost immediately put the house on the market again and make substantial amounts of money.  In some cases they split the money with those who made such a purchase possible. And we mean those who harassed; set problems in front of the homeowner designed to move them along to failure so they would fall into foreclosure; to do whatever they can to see that a person in such a position who is not a part of “their group” fails and they are able to gain the house.

We have talked to people who were pushed into foreclosure by having one problem after another hit them until they just could not cope and in the process lost their home and everything else they worked hard to acquire over decades.  Those are the ones where the house is sold at auction and the difference between that and the retail value makes lots of money for the sharks on the look out for such possibilities.

Beating down the home owners with those telephone calls helps to make the transfer and large profits possible.  How much bullying can people take when they are already in a dire situation.

Wells Fargo seems to be the current champion at this.  The worse we heard was from many of the people who lost their home because of an accounting error on the part of Wells Fargo.  The helplessness we heard described as the home owner knew they should not be in that position and knew their home should not be foreclosed – and hired an attorney who they thought was more interested in keeping a good relationship with Wells Fargo than taking care of their interest, so all was lost.

They watched and experienced knowing they were being beat down with the phone calls; beat further down with the helplessness of their situation and today seeing that they were right.  They should not have been in the  position of having lost their home.  They also watched as their home was sold twice.  Once at the auction – and they knew the retail value was much higher than the selling price especially since only one person was bidding and that person bid only slightly above the mortgage.  And to make things worse, their mortgage balance was only a fraction of the total value of the house.  They then had to watch while their house was flipped almost immediately.  they got to watch the person who bought at auction their homes which should not have gone into foreclosure in the first place, come out with over $500,000 in a very short period of time while they had to find a place to live and in that process wound up homeless for about 3 months.

How can this happen in what is supposed to be a caring republic?  When we see people with lots of money gained from such transactions we wonder what can we do?  We will ask you – what can you do?  We need to be a society organized to stop such things and to make people experiencing them whole – without making them go through years in Court with most not being able to go through those years in Court because they don’t have the money, emotional resources or any of the other things needed to go after a Wells Fargo.  Wells Fargo needs to examine its books and history and go through making whole everyone from whom they stole.  There are people working for Wells Fargo who knew this was a problem and foreclosures were happening without cause and because of a Wells Fargo created problem.  If those people did not stand up to say that – and they did not – then their jobs need to be on the line and they need to go someplace for a learning time to be able to see who they are and what they are about in stark terms.

Meanwhile – one thing you can do is BOYCOTT WELLS FARGO – one of the most egregious of this group.  Cancel your savings account.  Cancel your checking account.  Cancel all of your accounts with Wells Fargo and take your business elsewhere.  Let them know what you think.  TAKE ACTION!

We also discovered the wicked game played with real estate taxes.  That we will save until we have done more research. You really have to go through some of this horribleness to understand what is happening and has happened for quite a long time in this society.  We turn a blind eye and ear and heart, but it is time to bring about change with a system that is humane.  Actually humane.  Not one that simply claims to be this great forward moving society which is destroying and leeching off its citizens.  Real Estate taxes are not benefitting the government entities claiming to collect them and billions of your tax dollars are going into the banks to promote and sustain and create profit for the billionaire group.  It is very effective in doing that and no one says a peep about any of it.

WE are looking for people and organizations who want to join this BOYCOTT.  Please contact us with your interest.  We are also looking for contributions of money to help us move this ahead.  Every step we take we have been met with blockages we have had to navigate around.  The latest was Facebook first accepting an advertisement to circulate news of this boycott and then after a few days cancelling the advertisement Their reason follows:

“This ad isn’t running because it looks like it is for housing, employment, or credit opportunities; or you’ve included a multicultural affinity segment in your audience. These types of practices can alienate certain users, and goes against our core value of fostering a positive global community.”

We are not giving up.  Everyone who knows us knows we will be here until we have accomplished our goal of bringing about a positive change in this society to the benefit of all.

We need a kinder, gentler society.  Not a society which takes steps forward and just when you think we are moving ahead someone like Donald Trump is put in as president by forces out of the voting citizens’ of this country’s control.  And we are back fighting as hard as we have in the past just to bring things up to where we were a generation ago.  This is very wrong.  Spend your time and resources fighting for basic change for a better America.


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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale

Project 2 – Wells Fargo Boycott


Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

Volunteer with Bettina Network Foundation, inc. to work estate sales; to help move items from one home to another; to contribute your ideas on how we can better use our resources in this effort to relieve and eliminate homelessness and poverty. We also need photographers; designers; and more. However much or little time you have, we are grateful.

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