The Trump-Arpaio-Miller Tent Cities

by: Marceline Donaldson

Having chosen locations to erect tent cities which parallel what es-Sheriff Arpaio was doing in Arizona it is clear this is not about housing children comfortably nor with any of the creature comforts we need to live a minimalistically comfortable life.

The kind of places these tent cities are being located are in the desert with some 100 degree temperatures outside and who knows how hot in the tents.  That is what Sheriff Arpaio did and it seems clear these tent cities have been in the planning and execution stages for months.  This also makes clear why Trump chose to pardon ex-Sheriff Arpaio.

Before children start dying it is time to call in whichever international authorities there are which can stop this.  The United Nations – which has already made a statement that this is child abuse by the United States Government.  It does not say by Donald Trump.  That statement includes all United States citizens.  it is up to all of us to take responsibility for this and stop it.

It is extreme racism pushed by extreme fear of brown peoples being a majority of the United States population and soon.   It is a replica of Hitler’s Concentration Camps only for children and it is clear some of these children may never be reunited with their families ever again.  Looking at how records are not being kept, it is practically impossible and only a matter of luck to find and reunite children with their families.  Many will drop through the cracks.

It is United States history being repeated in our lifetime.  It is Senator Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn standing over Donald Trump egging him on and giving him advice.  Do you remember the pain, suffering and loss of everything that Senator McCarthy and his anti-Communist crusade caused?  It is Adolf Hitler sitting next to Stephen Miller helping him strategize so the largest number of brown peoples are connected to these Concentration Camps by their children and the children are put into positions where they will have to deal with this the rest of their lives.  We will have massive cases of every kind of war disease only that will be reflected not in our armed forces but in these children.

Children are going to start dying and soon.


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