The Royal Wedding at Breakfast
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011
Wouldn’t you know the Royal Wedding would not escape a Bettina breakfast table. It was a great and very funny discussion. Basically, how to cure the world’s ills using the 30 to 60 million dollars it is estimated will be the cost of this wedding. Homelessness, poverty, hunger, etc. could all be cured well within that amount of money.
Skeptics will question that possibility, but we were sure it could happen. It boggled the mind of everyone at the table that a wedding could cost that amount of money in 2011 – or rather that any one, any country, any institution would spend that kind of money on a wedding, especially in a time when the world is awash in so much tragedy; so many people living in the streets because of earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and more – not even beginning to call up those who live in the streets all the time.
It makes the “good works” done by the royals look like so much cover for lives led on a level that is beyond human decency. As one person said – who are they that they take the right to themselves to use that much of the world’s very limited resources on such a senseless extravaganza. When these extravaganza’s were in vogue and the thing to do because that was the way of the world, it was done to scare people and so impress them with the power of the throne that they would not dare revolt they would be afraid to even consider another way of life. What then, does it mean today?
What does it mean when Charles raises money for his charities when he doesn’t even put his own tooth paste on his own tooth brush to brush his own teeth? That almost ended breakfast because none of us could eat we were laughing so hard at the description of how this grown man lives.
What does it mean when our media goes rushing to England to cover this extravaganza, searching all around to make it more than it is, spending lots of money and media space while totally not covering those in England who don’t have enough to eat or a decent place to sleep, while gilded horses and carriages are riding about and people are yelling and screaming with joy over the fact that they are being ‘royally’ screwed.
We went from high hysteria with laughter to serious discussions about how long this kind of obscenity can last. Why do so many people follow the high and mighty when their own lives are in trouble because of the resources taken from them to pay for such unnecessary frivolity and show of power and money.
What makes it even more not understandable is the fact that this all takes place in a Christian Church! WOW, did that ever get comment! Exactly what is happening in that Church that all of this is what it is about and what it takes as its “ministry”? They probably even have a mission to the poor – which probably makes up about one-half of one percent of the total amount spent on other things.
The discussion was mostly about what ‘they’ have and what ‘others’ don’t have. It was about the demeaning of the human being – both royal and servant to the royals who do the ‘care taking’ of the royals by running their baths, brushing their teeth, etc..
(You can leave this next part out, but it just totally disrupted breakfast and it took a good five minutes before we could calm down from the laughter this generated).
We wondered who was the servant to the royals who wiped their —— . And we wondered if the American media might get a ‘live’ interview with that person so the rest of us could see whose job it was to do this! We also wondered if this was done with paper or with washable rags. We hoped it was with washable rags so there would at least be some redeeming environmentally friendly result.
I think you get the picture. How we got such raucous laughter out of all of this I don’t know, but it was a pretty funny breakfast and one I have not been able to get out of my mind. None of this was upfront for me. I even watched some of the media coverage leading up to the big day. After that breakfast I have been totally sensitized in a way I hadn’t been before. Long Live the Bettina Network!
Ed Note: We put your blog in as you wrote it without eliminating anything. It was astounding to us. As a result of this breakfast and what was discussed – much of it we hadn’t thought of before either, we are putting the Royal Wedding in Bettina’s Hall of Shame.
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