The Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett Story! What happened? It’s Called PERJURY and that is being used to destroy this democracy/republic!
by: Marceline Donaldson
I have been told by everybody to just go along – do whatever you have to do to get your husband back. Don’t fight them, they are too strong. They have done this to lots of people. Just go along or your husband will be put in a nursing home and they have done it to many others.
No thank you!
It is called TELL THE TRUTH! Why? Because these folks will continue on and do the same thing to others. It is necessary to confront such horrors because we are all related to one another – what happens to me today will be at your door tomorrow.
Robert and I have fought too many battles to hide, and let this happen to others.
What is holding Robert? What happened really? Well read on because we just discovered the key and we want you to know what happened and how it happened – the behind the scenes story – and it adds up to PERJURY and that needs to be charged against Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid and Ms. Angela Clary. Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett is not the first person they have attacked in such a vile, vicious, way which makes your hair curl with how easily they are able to achieve their goal of destroying those they can’t control.
This will be published in more than one part because it is long. You have to be interested in keeping the society in which you live free to read this to the end. This is the surest way to terrorize an entire society and that is what is happening – with Elder Protective Services and the people who support them. It is also happening around the state with Children Protective Services where children are being taken out of their homes because of misrepresentations and other such ugly things and the rest of us have been complicit by our ignorance. I know I was one of those people, but will never be again.
Lots of people are making tens of thousands of dollars on this scam. Attorneys, “Care Companies” getting clients through their connection to the ‘professionals’ involved and so many more. An industry has and is growing up besides this kind of oppression. It affects many African Americans and other minorities – but it is also negatively affecting Whites.
That does not include those doing a respectable, solid job, but they appear to be few and far between.
We have received many stories.but have only been able to thoroughly check out a few. Those are enough to make you horrified at what is being done to many in this society. And for the glorification of the few doing the deed. We are going to continue in this area and Bettina Network Foundation, inc. will be involved and so will Bettina Network Blog.
Why the Blog? Because the media refuses to cover this area and they do not use their investigative reporting resources to turn a bright light on all of this – they are intimidated also? Or it isn’t lucrative enough?
These folks make the intimidation we fear from places like Russia look small by comparison because of the number of people involved and the way they cover themselves in righteousness.
“Let justice roll down like a river and righteousness like an ever flowing stream.” Be with me, O God, as this strips the cover back so all can see the pus and filth being covered up. Another way we mistreat one another in this society.”
I recently discovered an affidavit in this case which I had not seen before. I was given a couple pages, but not the whole thing. I gave a response to those couple pages which has never appeared anyplace. God bless private investigators – last night I received the entire affidavit.
We are gathering sworn statements from people to put behind this article to prove, without a doubt, the PERJURY being committed in this affidavit.
Most people’s advice has been – keep quiet. Just get Robert out. Don’t you want your husband home? Robert and I have fought too many battles together I know what he would want and it would not be a cover-up. It is that attitude – do not risk, put your head in the sand – which has allowed this to flourish.
Lets look at this affidavit – signed under the pains and penalties of PERJURY.
And I must apologize, I come from a family of educators, artists and journalists, none inclined to short speech or short articles. This is worth the time you spend reading through it all.
Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid signed an affidavit under the pains and penalties or perjury on March 4, 2020. Ms. Al-Wetaid is Protective Services Director of Somerville Cambridge Elder Services. This group needs to be shut down, investigated and restitution made to people who have been their targets.
If you have been following this you will remember that Robert Bennett was picked up at his home on March 3rd by 8 white policemen and others creating a circus like our neighborhood has never seen. Somerville Cambridge Protective and Elder Services had sworn out a “section 12” My beautiful husband had been “sectioned”. That means he was a threat to society because of psychiatric reasons. A psychiatrist or psychologist or some such person has to sign off for someone to be “sectioned”.
A psychologist did, but to preserve her professional credentials she said on that paper – “I have never met Mr. Bennett, I have never examined him, I have never been in his home.” And yet that was acceptable to “section” this quiet, lovely, unassuming Episcopal priest with a substantial career and reputation in the Episcopal Church which was not standing behind him in this action against him. They have all been notoriously silent. Something that happens across the board when this kind of thing entraps another citizen of this country.
I didn’t know what “being sectioned” meant and it took awhile to understand that was demeaning, disgraceful, destroying of life and freedom and this should never have happened, but we live in a house which has sent out siren calls to those who want to move us out of this neighborhood into the one in which we” belong” – Roxbury, MA. So having such a history it took awhile for us to shake that off and look at the reality of what this is really about.
As an aside, there is another African American man who was put into the hospital in the south. What is his housing background? He lives in all white neighborhood – he is the only African American in that neighborhood. We were raised in the same young peoples group so he has been quite “out there” fighting injustice all of his life. He bought the house of the head of the KKK in his town and moved in. His life showed a very prosperous African American family – and so the day would come when his reputation would be fouled, ruined and his family assets reduced considerably to get him out. The people set up to do this were not successful, but they managed to cause much pain and to destroy assets that this family needed in the process. So while not entirely successful something negative happened.
Same situation. Put in a hospital from which it took four weeks to get him out. The state didn’t have to spend money to keep him incarcerated. – insurance money did the deed. A pattern set across the country. And this happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett in Cambridge, MA. in the shadow of Harvard University. A man with a Harvard doctorate and all of the credentials one must have to live in this neighborhood – but he is African American and so the same day came for him as it did for my friend in he south. Only in Massachusetts it was much worse and the people involved attacking my lovely husband were far more skilled in what they did…….
On March 4, 2020, Massachusetts General Hospital lifted the “section 12 against Dr. Bennett which put him in the hospital on March 3rd and sent him home.
On March 4, 2020 Ms. Norah Al-Wetaid signed, under penalties of perjury charges against Dr. Bennett’s wife which would result in Dr. Bennett being re-arrested by the police on March 6th sectioning him again for the 2nd timeand his incarceration in Mass General Hospital from that day to this and counting. Yes, incarcerated – this fits every part of the definition – except people in state or federal prison get to go outside, exercise and they have rights those incarcerated in this hospital system of things with the Protective Services people have no rights at all. their privacy is constantly invaded; they have no right to go outside for any reason; their friends and family are kept away and so much more. It is roughly equivalent to being incarcerated as a terrorist in a third world country. The area of the hospital is much reduced from the kind of rooms, service, etc. one finds in areas like neurology. Beautiful surroundings. In the one – locked doors, security guards and on downscale from there in the other.
Ms. Al-Wetaid had access to the actual facts, but she apparently chose to make a case and lie and so did Ms. Angela Clary. One of their goals was to make sure Dr. Bennett would be kept by the hospital this time. Another was to supply their ‘friends’ with business – Patient Care Companies; physical therapists, occupational therapists, the traditional people who everyone has to use whether they are needed or not.
On information and belief this is not the first time they have acted so irresponsibly causing harm to the person they are attacking and to that persons family.
Because Dr. Bennett was released from Mass General Hospital after the first section 12 was lifted by the professionals at Mass General Hospital, Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary showed and said their intention was not to have Dr. Bennett examined for possible psychiatric problems of which he had none, but they had, according to their own admissions the intention of giving guardianship over Dr. Bennett to someone of their choosing and committing Dr. Bennett to a nursing home. Unknown to Dr. Bennett and his family, they started on this course months earlier and had been investigating Dr. Bennett and his family without cause, for months, with much gusto and no need.
Sectioning Dr. Bennett and, in this case, adding a Protective Order, even one full of lies, was the easiest and quickest and surest way to incarcerate Dr. Bennett while they manipulated several ways to keep him in the hospital. If simply sectioning did not work then combine it with other ways and re-section him within 48 hours adding other things to that sectioning.
Their time, over those months, was not being spent doing a substantial investigation because of a real problem. They were looking for ways too use and abuse this family – and as they went along others joined because of the assets that could be gotten if this was successful.
How do we know the investigation was not done carefully? One big tip-off is that Ms. Nora Al-Wetaid didn’t even know the names of the people she was going after. She didn’t even take the time or care to get even that straight.
She filed against Robert Bennett’s wife, who she called “Marceline Davidson” and she is called that all through the papers Ms. Al-Westaid filed. – or were filed for her by the attorney who is mostly always involved in these cases Attorney James O’Sullivan. With no proof and lots of lies, Ms. Donaldson was charged with abusing her husband. She was charged with breaking his rib, splintering a bone in his leg, refusing to allow him to take medicines they claimed were prescribed and which, in fact, were not. that included an anti-seizure medicine which was given to Dr. Bennett after his surgery and which would have caused him harm if it had been continued for the weeks Ms. Al-Wetaid claims was needed.
Ms Al-Wetaid claims Ms. Donaldson knowing Mr. Bennett had prostate cancer did not allow him to get treatment and the list gets longer. That in spite of the fact that there was no evidence presented that Dr. Bennett had prostate cancer. It was a good guess since many men Dr. Bennett’s age would have prostate cancer.
That was presented to and accepted by the Court – against a black woman – with absolutely no proof except the Perjured affidavit of Ms. Al-Wetaid. What kind of upbringing did she have to be able to so immorally take on and attempt to destroy two African Americans who spent their lives working for others.
My husband and I have had a good rfelagtionship for some 36 years. Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary took advantage of the racism in this country which presents a stereotype of a black family as being a mess with much violence within. Using that sterotype Ms. Al-Wetaid came along with the help of Ms. Angela Clary and did everything they could to destroy this family.
They did its with lies, easily disproven lies. Most of the lies were disproven by Dr. Bennett’s medical record, which showed no broken ribs, no splintered bones, no cancer. But that has been ignored and not even begun to be investigated. I didn’t know those were the claims against me until last night.
Robert Bennett’s wife’s name is Marceline Donaldson. No one knows who Marceline Davidson is.
Most of Ms. Al-Wetaids claims in the affidavit along with Ms. Clary’s all show that kind of carelessness.
The attorneys for Ms. Donaldson helped to complicate and extend the life of this horrendous act. They were hired to file an emergency motion to release Dr. Bennett according to the way the section 12 with its relief are written. They did not and at that time the courts were not closed because of the coronavirus. So Dr. Bennett’s time in ‘hospital jail’ was extended, complicated and his and his wife’s assets were flowing out like a fast moving river out of their possession into that of all these others.
Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary threatened Dr. Bennett’s family constantly – the last threat was that if they didn’t fill out the application for Mass Health then guardianship over Dr. Bennett would be given to the Jewish Agency for Family and Children and he would be sent to a Hebrew Nursing Home. – that was supposed to be a horrendous threat to the family of Dr. Bennett – a retired Episcopal priest.
Ms. Al-Wetaid claims in her affidavit that Robert Bennett was reported to the Protective Service Department due to concerns of medical neglect by Mr. Bennett’s wife Marceline “Davidson”.
In spite of the fact that both Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary knew Mr. Bennett had been in Massachusetts General Hospital for brain surgery, the first section 12 they filed moved to have Mr. Bennett sent to Mount Auburn Hospital on a section 12 instead of maintaining any kind of continuity with the hospital from which Mr. Bennett had been discharged.
They were very well aware of that fact – they interviewed Dr. Bennett at Mass General Hospital without permission from anyone. They just went into his room at Mass General and started this interrogation process when he was not even days out of brain surgery and they quote all of that in this affidavit of Ms. Al-Wetaid. Dr. Bennett was barely conscious as a result of his recent surgery when they recount his answers to questions trying to use that as a reason in their case against him. Dr. Bennet wasn’t in any shape to give his consent to the interview or even to be really aware of what was happening. I was his Healh Care Advocate at the time and certainly did not give permission for that to happen when my husband was in such a fragile state.
They – Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary begin to get into the body of their “case” which they created and used to abuse both Dr. Bennett and his family.
Ms. Al-Wetaid claims in her affidavit that Robert Bennett was reported to the Protective Service Department due to concerns of medical neglect by Mr. Bennett’s wife Marceline “Davidson”.
Neither Ms Al-Wetaid nor Ms. Clary have ever acknowledged that Mr. Bennett is an independent individual who was capable of making his own decisions about who he was and about his medical care. Both have constantly portrayed Dr. Bennett as though he was a small child under the care of adults who had total sway over him and he was unable to make decisions for himself or to go places and to do things on his own, which in actual fact, Dr. Bennett did as a matter of course. That assumption is called ‘racism’ and is common amongst people who see black families as being abused by the black women in the family who are somehow so abusively into power and control everyone in the family fears them. That stereotype shows up often during this entire ordeal. Dr. Bennett is never considered as a fully functioning human being – only as an object that they use for very negative reasons.
They claim that on or about November, 2019 Mr. Bennett fell. It is true -he did fall because he had eye surgery two days prior and was wearing the moulded eye cover to protect his eye. While they talk about the fall, they eliminate the reason. Why? That does not fit the case they are creating.
Ms. Al-Wetaid’s affidavit ssys “…the concerns were regarding Ms. Davidson blocking access to care and not appropriately responding to medical needs.”
In other words, Ms. Donaldson would not allow her husband to go to the hospital to have his fall checked. The fact that Dr. Bennett did not want to go to a hospital because he didn’t feel it was necessary is not relevant.
Ms. Al-Wetaid says “Ms. Davidson is reported to have not pursued appropriate medical care for this fall until 24 hours later, when Mr. Bennett began vomiting at a secondary location.” Ms. Al-Wetaid extends the time frame from 12 hours, to 24 hours to make her case.
What both Ms. Al-Wetaid have eliminated is the fact that his wife, Marceline Donaldson, asked Mr. Bennett if he wanted to go to the hospital, see his eye doctor or another doctor. Mr. Bennett refused and wanted to just carry on with his life as usual without going anyplace for medical treatment. Mr. Bennett did not think he needed such. Both have ignored the fact that Mr. Bennett is an independent individual who makes his own decisions and has a relationship of respect with his wife.
What Ms. Al-Wetaid eliminates from her story is the fact that Ms. Donaldson called her daughter, because her daughter had pushed Dr. Bennett into the eye surgery whose results caused the fall, to ask where she should take Dr. Bennett. The daughter said to Needham Beth Israel Deaconess. That was not the closest medical care clinic. Ms. Donaldson wanted to take him to Boston Beth Israel, the daughter insisted it be Needham.
Ms. Al-Wetaid said “The clinic diagnosed Mr. Bennett with a brain bleed and recommended transfer to Beth Israel Deaconness (BIDMC) hospital in Boston., Mr. Bennett was not diagnosed at Needham Beth Israel with a brain bleed. Mr. Bennett was treated very badly at Needham Beth Israel – he was kept waiting over an hour for examination and then received it only after his wife complained to the reception desk and after she asked to speak to who was in charge who kept them waiting so long. Before that the receptionists were very surly to Ms. Donaldson, who was accompanied by Ms. Maria Sensale who saw the kind of treatment Ms. Donaldson and Dr. Bennett received at Needham Beth Israel and the way they were treated in the waiting room, including the long length of time they were kept waiting as others went in before them. The clinic people became more cooperative and interested in examining Dr. Bennett after that confrontation and said they did not have the equipment needed to examine Dr. Bennett and suggested he go to Boston Beth Israel where he was sent by ambulance.
Ms. Al-Wetaid says “The clinic diagnosed Mr. Bennett with a brain bleed and recommended transfer to Beth israel Deaconess (BIDMC) hospital in Boston.”That is not true. The clinic said it did not have the equipment it needed to diagnose Mr. Bennett and suggested he be taken to Beth israel in Boston where they had the needed equipment. That is where Ms. Donaldson wanted to take Mr. Bennett in the first place. Listening to her daughter, that delayed treatment of Mr. Bennett by some three plus hours which was not necessary.
Beth Israel in Boston took a CT Scan and did not say anything about a “brain bleed”. They said Mr. Bennett showed signs of having fallen in the past, but it looked as though those falls happened quite a few years ago. Mr. Bennett had four small dots on the CT Scan and they didn’t know if that was from a recent fall or one that happened years ago. They said to watch it – and have the PCP take a look at that when they went for a follow-up exam.
The following statements made by Ms. Al-Wetaid are not true.
Ms. Al-Wetaid says ” BIDMC had recommended discharge from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility> The wife refused this and the “elder” – Mr. Bennett – was sent home with referrals for visiting nurse services (physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing) which the wife later refused to allow into the home.”
“Ms. Donaldson knew nothing about Beth Israel Deaconness recommending Mr. Bennett go to a rehabilitation facility. There were no referrals given to Ms. Donaldson by anyone at Beth Israel Hospital and Ms. Donaldson did not refuse to allow any physical therapist, occupational therapist or nursing person into the house. No such person ever came to their home.”
The doctors and nurses at Beth Israel Deaconness Hospital refused to talk to Ms. Donaldson and she tried many times to find out what was happening with her husband. It was so traumatic that Ms. Donaldson called Mr. Bennett’s son – Mark Bennett in Washington, D. C. because of the way she was being treated and because of the lack of anyone saying anything to her about what was happening with her husband. She couldn’t understand what was happening and was concerned for her husbands treatment. Dr. Bennett’s son flew from Washington, D. C. because of Ms. Donaldson’s call and her distress over what was happening with her husband and his father.
It was discovered after several hours that the medical personnel at Beth Israel would not speak to Ms. Donaldson and totally avoided her because Maliça Aronowitz had given them a Health Care Proxy and let them know that she was the one to whom they should speak – not her mother.
Neither Ms. Donaldson, nor Mr. Bennett knew about any such Health Care Proxy, they saw Ms. Aronowitz give the doctors some papers, but were not told what they were and everyone totally avoided Ms. Donaldson.
Ms. Donaldson was so distraught about how she was being treated and not being able to find out anything about her husband she asked for the head nurse, the head of the hospital and several other people trying to know what was happening. All treated her with disdain, as though she was some kind of intruder and most were not even civil to Ms. Donaldson.
Whatever was given out about Mr. Bennett’s condition was given to Ms. Aronowitz and not to Ms. Donaldson. Ms. Donaldson was never told anything about anything. She knew about the four dots on the CT Scan because she was sitting in the room and refused to leave.
Both Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary knew this – they both knew Ms. Aronowitz had a Health Care Proxy about which Dr. Bennett knew nothing, had not signed and did not want Ms. Aronowitz as his Health Care Proxy. In spite of knowing that from the beginning of their relationship with Ms. Aronowitz, both have kept quiet about that because they were able to manipulate Ms. Aronowitz into doing and saying what they needed her to do and say so their program of abuse and more could move forward.
Ms. Al-Wetaid says that about which she is most concerned because part of her job is to make sure people are forced into a rehab facility with referrals for visiting nurse services – physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing – it is standard, charged to your insurance company and has some benefits for Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary. Those conditions must be met with everyone or you are subjected to this kind of investigation.
If your family member and your family have other ways to handle rehab, if it is needed, and all the other services that might be needed, that is not allowed. You cannot use your own resources, you cannot pay for this yourself, this must be done according to people like Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary. Everything must be contracted for by people like Ms. al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary and/or others in charge and paid for by your insurance company, preferably Mass Health. Under no circumstances are you allowed to choose those who so work with you. That must not under any circumstances be a company or people of your own choosing, You are not even allowed to choose between different “Care” companies who offer the same services.
7) Ms. Al-Wetaid goes on to say that ” on February 14, 2020 “the elder” – whose name is Robert Bennett – experienced a fall and hit his head again and experienced a broken rib as well. The wife refused to take Mr. Bennett to the hospital despite family’s recommendations.”That is not true and Ms. Al-Wetaid knows that is not true, but she is making those accusations in spite of her knowledge of their falsity.
Mr. Bennett did hit his head, he did not experience a broken rib as well. Ms. Donaldson did not refuse to take Mr. Bennett to the hospital.
Mr. Bennett did not want to go back to Beth Israel Hospital because it was a very bad experience for him. The PCP who Maliça Aronowitz recommended and pushed hard to get them to keep as their PCP was quite uninterested in treating Mr. Bennett and most times was unavailable.
Maliça Aronowitz knew nothing about what was happening with either Mr. Bennett or Ms. Donaldson. She did contact her sisters and described a desperate situation which she normally does trying to get her sisters to turn against their mother. That has been her style since she was about 15 years old.
Ms. Al-Wetaid knows Mr. Bennett did not have a broken rib. Without anyone’s knowledge or consent, Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary have constantly gone through Mr. Bennett’s records at the hospital, by their own admission. .Those records – pre-March 3rd show clearly that Mr. Bennett did not have a broken rib. Having taken it on themselves to check, they knew before they wrote the affidavits that their statements were false.
No one knows how they had access to private medical records, but they accessed Mr. Bennett’s records constantly and for months before this February fall happened. Neither Mr. Bennett nor Ms. Donaldson gave permission for them to do so.
8) Ms. Al-Wetaid claims that ” Mr. Bennett’s step-daughter “Melissa Aronowitz” – whose name Ms. Al Wet-aid did not bother to spell correctly – had nearly convinced the wife to take Mr. Bennett to the hospital on February 19th, but the wife again did not follow through”.That is false and Ms. Al-Wetaid knew that was false.
Ms. Donaldson spent the month of February talking to doctors trying to find a neurologist. Ms. Donaldson also talked to Mr. Bennett’s PCP office about a referral to a neurologist, but Dr. Kehlman was busy, could not talk, did not know a neurologist to refer her to and was preparing to leave on a short vacation so he would not have time to do anything about Mr. Bennett until his return from his vacation.
9) Ms. Al-Wetaid claims “Mr. Bennett reportedly declined physically and cognitively to the point where the wife became concerned and did ultimately take him to the Massachusetts General Hospital on Friday, February 21st, one week after the reported injury.”
Ms. Al-Wetaid did not know when Mr. Bennett fell. She did not know anything about what happened subsequent to his fall. What she claims as fact in this #9 is pure fiction made up to fit the narrative she is creating to be able to have this case to work on.
10) Ms. Al-Wetaid talks about Mr. Bennett as though she has access to his files at Massachusetts General Hospital. In addition she lies about his condition. The neurologists at Mass General did not diagnose Mr. Bennett with dementia – they very purposefully moved away from such a diagnosis because with the brain surgery they did not know what would happen after the surgery or if Mr. Bennett had some form of memory loss due to the liquids on his brain from which he would recover or if there was some form of dementia. Ms Al-Wetaid did not find that in Mr. Bennett’s records, to which she should not have had access. This affidavit was done while Ms. Donaldson was still Mr. Bennett’s Health Care Proxy and neither one gave Ms. Al-Wetaid access to his medical records.
11) Ms. Clary had no permission to interview Mr. Bennett as a Protective Social Worker. Ms. Clary apparently claimed to have conducted her “initial visit” with Mr. Bennett at Massachusetts General Hospital. To do so while Mr. Bennett was just out of surgery, still not quite himself, had spent time with oxygen and not awake yet – one of the first people he sees after his surgery is Ms. Clary trying to make a case to take him away from his family and asking him questions, etc. while not identifying herself and while Mr. Bennett was in no condition to answer questions let alone take in who Ms. Clary was or why she was there. In addition, Ms. Clary had no permission from anyone to make such an initial visit. The viciousness of such an action is clear in itself. To arrogate to yourself the necessity of “interviewing” a patient just recently out of receiving oxygen and shortly before that just out from major surgery describes the lack of empathy and more of this group. The inability of Ms. Clary and Ms. Al-Wetaid to have any feelings and understanding for people they are stalking is clear in the way they pushed and pushed a family in the middle of trauma shows who they are and what they are really about.
12) Ms.Al – Wetaid says – “Protective Services has also been informed that Mr. Bennett was diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago and the wife was asked to follow-up on this and has yet to do this.
Ms. Al-Wetaid makes a very strong statement, does not identify her source and the statement is false. Mr. Bennett was not diagnosed with prostate cancer. Mr. Bennett is an independent individual who can make his own choices. Several years ago there was no question about Mr. Bennett’s ability to take care of himself and he did. If Mr. Bennett had prostate cancer he had a car, money and everything he needed to follow up on this cancer. If he did not follow up on such a diagnosis that was Mr. Bennett’s choice and he has the freedom in these United States to make such a choice without someone like Ms. Al-Wetaid hanging in the shadows looking to pounce on someone she sees as ripe for the kind of elder abuse she and her agency engage in. That was Mr. Bennett’s choice to be respected by others. However, neither Mr. Bennett nor Ms. Donaldson knows where this accusation comes from because neither has ever heard anyone say Mr. Bennett has or had prostate cancer.
13) Whats is glossed over is the fact that a wellness check was requested and “no concern was noted at that time”. Ms. Al-Wetaid obfuscates that by claiming “they did not do a medical evaluation, only quickly observed and checked-in.That was Ms. Al-Wetaid harassing Mr. Bennett and Ms. Donaldson. They were asleep and were awakened by a policeman at the door doing a “wellness check”. That is a stalking process with no reason for the stalking.
This continues and gets worse. The next installment will arrive by the end of the day with more such dichotomies and with many more lies told by Ms. Al-Wetaid and Ms. Clary. Ms. Al-Wetaid signs the affidavit under pains of perjury. She quotes Ms. Clary extensively.
To have such actions taking place in a democratic country is a disgrace. That it has carried on for so long – that privacy issues are ignored – that lies are extensive and made to build a case for reasons only these two women and others in their position understand.
This needs to stop immediately.
When you read the rest – the horror of what is above pales by comparison to what comes next.
A Guests’ Review – Boston Harbor Islands