The “Perfect” Storm
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
How does a Bettina home survive a storm which threatens to down power lines, flood areas and generally disrupt life as we are accustomed to living it with all that we take for granted?
To give you an idea of how we do it, what follows are a few tips from a couple of Bettina Families:
1) We discourage your buying water in those plastic water bottles, for all the reasons articulated many places. We notice when you go to the store, just before a storm, the aisles are full of boxes of those water bottles, just waiting for you to come and spend a small fortune stocking up.
What to use instead? Try natural, organic, unadulterated coconut water. It is good for dehydration, will give you a small amount of nutrients and keeps your thirst quenched longer than plastic water and it won’t add chemicals to your system, which the plastic bottles can do by leeching out some of their troublesome chemicals into the water. That happens especially when the plastic bottles of water are stored in warehouses at too high a temperature, which facilitates their discharging a bit of their plastic into the water and you don’t know which are or were not so stored.
2) For food – try the simple things, which your parents and grandparents probably knew by instinct. Buy several dozen organic eggs (without the ‘Omega 3 added’ label. Just plain organic eggs from cage free chickens which roam around in the sun pecking as chickens do. Hard boil a dozen or so, depending upon the number of people in your home during the storm and put them aside in case you need nourishment without electricity.
3) Try wild canned sardines in olive oil. Several cans with great organic crackers as a treat. You can also add dry organic cereal – lots of fruit – organic nuts, raisins, dried cranberries and other such foods, which are good to eat after and don’t introduce problems into your body which you will regret after the storm passes.
Hope these few tips help you prepare for the storms coming up.
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