The Meeting – Trump and those who experienced a killing field!
by Marceline Donaldson
Trump, yesterday and today, with his followers and close friends and supporters are laughing their asses off as they talk about and listened to the young people and others in the White House who were there to make suggestions for change and to talk about ways to stop the killing of children by children.
Why would Trump be laughing at the people he seemed to so seriously engage with on yesterday? – Why would he be laughing his ass off? Probably because he, no doubt, shared with his buddies at the NRA the suggestions he was going to make, had made and would continue to make amongst other horrifying suggestions. Geared to stopping and solving the problem or geared to taking advantage of a disaster and turning it into a marketing opportunity for the gun lobby.
This particular suggestion made in a seemingly concerned way and in the midst of other people, both young and older, pouring their hearts out about the loss they suffered from the shooting. was one that, we think made Trump and Associates have some hilarious moments when recalling the conversation and Trump’s part in it.
People came to seriously engage with Trump – president of these United States – with their experiences, thoughts, suggestions for change etc. and poured out their pain.
Trump’s addition to the conversation was to suggest change he wanted to see happen which would – in reality – increase the numbers and groups of people owning and using guns. Trump’s suggestion was to arm some 20% of the teachers in the schools who would be the blockade to stop such shootings. That is what Trump and friends were having such hilarious conversation about after everyone had left for the day.
To establish Trump’s suggestion means there would be shoot-outs in elementary schools and high schools; the teachers, trying to work with students to start them on a good life would also be the ones to shoot those self-same students if the circumstances seemed to warrant – and if the situation didn’t warranty and the teachers had made a mistake and jumped to the wrong conclusion, but people still died from their gun shots, that would have ruined teachers’ lives; teachers lives as well as the lives of many students who could never turn from the fact that friends might be dead because of a beloved teacher – how many would be added to the death toll – dead from a teacher/shooting mistake; and on and on goes the scenario.
That isn’t the way Trump phrased it. But he did use that session to open an avenue to sell more guns. He opened a way to increase the exposure of people to guns who would then probably have to join groups like the NRA looking for information, target practice etc. It was really a genius idea. At least genius to the people around Trump who want to see this disaster turned into continuing and increasing the money flow into the Trump coffers from the NRA and related organizations.
And so, as their concerns that such a session might be the beginning of the end to the power they exercise through organizations like the NRA, in fact, they were assured that Trump was still their boy – still looking out for their interests – and still able, with a straight face to promote their organization at times when the organization was in some of its deepest troubles. Not only could he promote their interests at such times he could do it while seeming to commiserate with those who had been seriously wounded with friends and family mortally wounded.
Trump’s solution – increase the numbers of guns in circulation’ increase the groups of people who carry and use such weapons of war; increase the violence in this society exponentially and directed like a laser onto our children.
Have you checked lately to see where the money support for the NRA is coming from? Have you noticed how NRA assets have doubled and within one year? Have you noticed the large amounts of money – well into the tens of millions of dollars to Congress people and some $30 million plus to Trump, that can be traced? Is that coming from Russia into the United States to further push along their agenda for U.S.?
Do you remember the dinner, off on the side at an NRA meeting where the Russian Ambassador met with Donald Trump, Jr. and they had dinner together? Off, away from the prying eyes of the public? And of the media? but somehow it got out! Wonder what that was about?
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