The Bettina Oracle speaks about the U. S. Tax Cut Bill
The U. S. Tax Cut Bill ends democracy and the republic.
The tax cut bill just passed by the United States Congress has had many detractors for tons of reasons. The real evil in the bill, which is almost being overlooked, is the little bit which eliminates the estate tax.
It could be called “The Bill to Restructure the United States”. Or – “The Bill to substantially increase the strength, number and wealth of the American Oligarch’s”. Or – ” Lopsided Wealth and Privilege on America’s doorstep.”
Now that the tax bill is in place – the next order of business is a recession like the one which started in about 1929. A stock market bubble followed by a crash. Serious upheavals are necessary to totally change the government of a country and this is how it is and will be done.
When the economy wipes off some of the dust and the smoke settles, it will be a new country where Political Correctness will have been redefined to mean – White Male Northern European Ancestry people in total power and control. Everyone else has different and diminishing degrees of middle classless down to poverty. Those who object, rebel – in jail or dead.
What amazes me is how you are distracted by some media, well meaning, but not understanding what they are analyzing and/or the repercussions from what they are saying – currently distracted by the machinations of the United States President, Donald Trump. You are distracted by your own negating and refusal to take responsibility for ourselves as United States citizens.. Sometimes that is great with many rewards and sometimes that requires sacrifice.
Greed, avarice, jealousy, sin has blown smoke in your faces and all around. You are definitely not keeping the machinery of government running smoothly and in the direction of equality, etc. etc. etc. You are devolving down deeper into sin blaming others for your laziness and need to be accepted by others instead of working towards speaking truth to power and taking the risks that requires.
Each time we have been on the verge of a United States which is diverse and which takes responsibility for all of its citizens something comes in to short circuit that and turn us in another direction. Today, we are suffering from the maturation of the Republican Party’s Southern Strategy started under Richard Nixon and carried to a higher level by Ronald Regan. We are ranting about Donald Trump’s usurping the end of Barack Obama’s presidency with treasonous acts while not remembering Ronald Regan. Wasn’t it under this Regan when prisoners were set free from another country on the day he was inaugurated? How could that happen unless his transition team acted as another government usurping the time and power of the government elected before RR took office? Regan let you know where he was coming from in a very sophisticatedly racist way – he traveled to Mississippi to announce his run for the office of president. Trump did and will continue to do some of the same things, but he is not sophisticated and doesn’t know how to camouflage his making sure these United States continues with its white male privilege.
Since the presidency of Barack Obama, we have seen how a more diverse, equal, caring country can look. It was a shock to some of you who were accustomed to exercising power over and being better than. You were and are not going to give up those sins. Better the devil you know than the world of incredible beauty in which you could live, but for……
The result of the eight years spent under Barack Obama’s presidency WOKE those who had assumed that racism, sexism homophobia, xenophobia and all the rest were here to stay and safely intrinsic to the structure of our government. When the shock of Obama’s presidency hit those accustomed to taking from others; pushing back others, etc. they came out in force and now are able to take off their white sheets; proclaim their Nazi beliefs and more.
The American Oligarch’s, who have never been turned off by working with exactly that segment of this society to gain power and control over opened their pocket books and put out their wish list to those who are moved by money. And they were and are successful.
One thing those American Oligarch’s have forgotten, if they ever knew it – they have children. Your children, no matter your wealth or power, are the most unpredictable people on earth. Karma says – will your children be in need of what you have taken from others one day in the not too distant future when you are gone? Will anyone reach out to them or will they be left to spiral down into the same gates of hell which you occupy – only their spiraling down will be while alive?
Be careful! KARMA is a bitch!
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