The Beauty Regimen of the Year

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016

We have experimented with lots of ingredients to attempt to get the best beauty result over the years.  The one that stands out from 2015 is a combination of liquid Vitamin C and Organic Aloe Vera – the whole plant.

They are an amazing combination and from our experience have given the most healthy looking results.

Mix half-and-half in a cup – half liquid Vitamin C with half organic whole plant Aloe Vera.

After your shower give yourself an all over massage with the half liquid Vitamin C and half Organic Aloe Vera mixture

Then you can do one of two things –

1) Put on cotton pajamas and cotton socks – if you are really into this you should also put on white cotton gloves and go to bed.

In the morning, take a shower -because the mixture will be sticky and all over.  After your shower give yourself a massage with either Avocado Oil or Coconut Oil – try alternating the two.  And then you are ready for the day.  You will feel your energy level at high pitch.

2)  If you prefer doing this in the morning – after a shower or very warm soak in the tub – give yourself a massage with the half-and-half mixture – put on your work clothes, for work around the house – and after an hour or so take another shower to rinse off the mixture.

And again – give yourself a massage with Avocado or Coconut oil and you are set to get dressed for the day.

Your energy level and beauty/health look will be fantastic.

Whether you use One (1) or Two (2) depends on whether you like to do your beauty regimen in the morning or at night.

We prefer the liquid vitamin C which is in the orange bottle.  Some people tried the liquid C in the smaller dark brown bottle.  The problem we had with that C is the fact that it seemed to us to be full of sugar, although the ingredients did not list sugar.

Two to three times a week will be great – less is alright, but does not produce the same results.

Inbetween times, take a long 1/2 hour soak in the tub.  Put a quart of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in the tub with you and just enjoy.  Eventually, your aches, pains, will go away and if your experience is like ours you will find yourself free from the colds, and other things that those around you seem to constantly suffer.

You will find yourself craving oranges or lemons if you stop this regimen so be prepared.  We think your body becomes accustomed to the vitamin C.

One New Years resolution – don’t put anything on your skin that you would not eat.  They say you have a barrier which prevents stuff from getting into your body, however, we have discovered that what you put on your skin shows up in your blood stream in minutes.

P. S.  When you shower, never – ever use anything except clear, warm water.  No soap or anything else.  It will ruin the goodness of the above beauty and health treatments and do nothing except pollute the water going down the drain in the shower.  Created by Satan is that thing called soap.   It destroys your body’s natural oils, which are very protective of you, and it actually does nothing that could be called good for you.  The marketing and advertising people have created the need for soap over the generations and have been very good at their job – just as they have created the need for your house to smell like chemicals.  Truth has been missing in all of the marketing and advertising.  They have gotten us to believe a really foul odor created by chemicals, is actually  “clean smelling.”

Be extra vigilant in 2016 of every ingredient in everything you buy and use.


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