The American Manchurian President-elect
Marceline Donaldson – January 2017
I think it is too late in the day to continue the denials of what has happened and is happening in these United States. We are attempting to put lipstick on a pig and for the sake of decency – truth – justice – our own democracy continuing and not being usurped the way it is currently being usurped – continued prosperity – we need to be truthful and own up to what has been a massive failure for the United States and an ugly exposure of its underbelly.
The platitudes and overused sentiment needs to stop. The voting citizens of the United States elected Hillary Clinton as president. Over 2.9 million more than her rival, Donald Trump. The Electoral College – an institution which was put in place with the Founding Fathers to maintain slavery – turned their backs on what the substantial majority of the United States voting citizens declared and wanted and that Electoral College elected a man who has shown himself to be a traitor, a bigot, crude, vile, womanizer, adulterer, participant in and poser for soft-porn pictures, sexual abuser, very arrogant and entitled about that fact of his life, and so much more.
There are indications that Donald Trump is a part of the mafia and has been so for some time. It is difficult in the United States to own casinos; to be involved in the Construction Industry; to own hotels – all at the same time and not be a part of the mafia. Those investigating and writing about their findings have found that Mr. Trump has bought concrete from the Genovese Crime Family for his hotels and much more. It is time for every decent person in these United States to take up their pen and begin to investigate and print their findings. Clearly, the media is not going to do that. If they printed what they knew before the election, it is possible we would not be facing this situation today.
Donald Trump’s deceit, hypocrisy and lies slaps everyone in these United States and elsewhere with its flagrancy. If he is caught, he simply denies his actions and takes the other side. It does not matter to him that he is in print clearly making the statements he then denies having made. There is no hesitation. That alone shows his lack of a good and substantial ethical base from which to make decisions; a lack of respect for those to whom he is speaking (all of us), and he has shown an incredible vicious side and total lack of any component of what constitutes a good character. In large corporations, looking for a chief executive, I don’t see any that would hire such a person and yet he is about to become President of these United States. His lack of honesty is beyond overwhelming – it is something I have never seen before. To stand in front of a group of people and deny that you said what they know and can prove you said without blinking an eye or showing any shame or regret or taking back of the one statement as when you believed then, but now have had a change of heart – nothing. He simply stands in front of a group of people and denies what was his own truth.
When Roger Ailes was outed as a sexual abuser of many of the women who worked for Fox News and he was forced to resign, Donald Trump embraced him as a friend and gave him support. The men Donald Trump embraces and calls “friend” are men who have similar backgrounds. They may not yet have been outed, but we clearly know and have seen their womanizing habits. This is your newly “elected” president of these United States. Not only has Donald Trump embraced prominent sexual abusers, whose deeds were publicly known and verified, but he has bragged on tape about his own sexual abuse. In the bragging he clearly saw what he was saying and doing as good and his right – at the expense of the women having been and who will be exposed to such a man as the leader of these United States. He is the one who will be serving as a role model for our children. He is the one who will be contributing to their character and to the choices they will make over the years. That will not leave this country – that will be entwined and a part of the fabric of this country’s ethical base and decision making for generations to come.
When is it going to be enough – all of you United States citizens? When are you going to call an end to this charade and made for television moment in our history?
It is clear to me that Donald Trump started his candidacy in cahoots with Valdimir Putin or some other high ranking government official in Russia. Donald Trump’s conspiracy theory against Barack Obama, which plagued Obama’s presidency for eight years and plagued his presidential campaign before he became president clearly played right into Vladimir Putin’s negative relationship with Barack Obama. The boy doing the bidding of the man. The “boy” in these United States is clearly Donald Trump. The “man” is clearly Vladimir Putin.
Most of us looked at that conspiracy theory and let it go as the rantings of someone vicious and evil and far removed from our world. However, he was right in the middle of this world and preparing to help those the United States has fought against for generations to take it over.
It is clear that this is a takeover of the United States Government and we will never be the same.
Evil walks the land and we are cooperating with it as we try to be “nice”.
President and Mrs. Bush have announced that they will be at the inauguration of Donald Trump as president because it is important to show the world how a democracy works and the peaceful transition of power.
President Clinton and Secretary of State Clinton have made the same announcement.
What they are actually showing the world is that they have been co-opted for the optics of the moment and are not going to take an ethical and moral stand which puts them on the side of the good and the just and the righteous and those who see through this charade. They have been in a position and have been exposed to the people and information which tells them – in more detail than the rest of us will ever have – just how corrupt Donald Trump actually is. To then stand up next to him and for him and allow those pictures to circulate through the generations – that when called on for the tough decisions, they were among the missing – is kind of hard for this voting citizen of the United States to take.
It is time for everyone to pick up their pen and document what they know about all of this and how they feel about this takeover of their government.
It is time to stand tall and stop this turning Muslims into the victims of the moment so the treasuries of countries can be raided while its citizens are distracted and so all kind of other injustices and lies can be promulgated while the majority of the people are ranting against Muslims as though they are the people who created this evil.
Turn back in time and listen to what Donald Trump said about Mexicans. Listen to how he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for this wall – to keep out thieves and rapists and on and on he went denigrating Mexicans.
As you listen – tune into what is being said today. The United States taxpayers are going to be called on to pay for this wall which is going to become a reality in this country as one of its current and ongoing projects.
To make that palatable, what is added is that – after the wall is built, Mexico will reimburse the United States for the cost of building the wall. Mexico has not said this nor agreed to this. In fact, Mexico has said the opposite, they will neither pay for nor have anything to do with such a creation. In spite of that many people are now taking up that new mantra and passing it around as though it is truth.
That is symbolic of the kind of ethical base being created in this country. Ethics which are designed to make some very ugly things palatable and positive and looking as though they are for the good of all. What are those ugly things? It is overused at this point as an example – but if you do not know history you are doomed to repeat it and we are repeating the history of Nazi Germany, except the way we are going and the very accelerated time table we are on – Nazi Germany will look like the training ground and the learning wheels on the bicycle. The incredibly powerful vehicles the United States will soon be producing, riding, navigating and trying to sell to the rest of the world through its own re-creation of a sordid time in history will be horrendous.
The United States will not be standing alone – we will be a part of a combination of countries with whom we are growing compatible and who have a head start on wrecking this kind of evil on others. If this madness is not stopped we are going to wreck evil on this world such as it has never seen before.
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