Secretary of State???

copyright 2012 Bettina Network, inc.

Lordy – what did that guy say?  ‘Much ado about nothing’? Well, this is NOT much ado about nothing.  This is as much ado as possible to drown Susan Rice and make sure John Kerry is the next Secretary of State.

 Nothing personal Susan.  And it has nothing to do with what you said or didn’t say, your qualifications, your color, your sex…….It is simply the old boys  rushing to protect the next step up of one of their own.

See, we can cross the aisle to attempt to accomplish something.  Now if you guys would make this crossing party lines to work for real issues wouldn’t that be nice!

Sorry Susan – if you have to lose your reputation as they all strive to stomp all over you.  It isn’t personal – just politics as usual.

What a hilarious route mimicing the ‘good old boys’ as they try to hide their real agenda!  We should have many more such breakfasts.

And who said one should never talk about politics or religion.  What else creates such a fun and interesting time. I won’t go into detail – you wouldn’t believe it anyway.


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