Stock Market Talk Over Breakfast
copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc.
I love those stock market conversations. This time, I decided to buy the stock and make a few dollars (hopefully). I hope you forgive me for buying the stock before telling you about it – since I only bought a few shares it certainly hasn’t affected the market. I am not really a big spender, the stock I bought cost $.1915/share for this company which mines molybdenum. I know nothing about molybdenum, but that has never stopped me before.
The stock we talked about and that I bought is Avanti Mining (AVNMF). The same person who told us about this stock several months ago came back and we had a more in-depth conversation. When he was here before, I was a little shy about grilling him on his stock interests, but this time I found my aggressiveness and gave him the third degree.
He found the stock through, a web site which is about American, Canadian and Australian stocks, among others. You can find information on Stockhouse about stocks you can’t find other places – like its currently traded price, press releases, comments and a blog hooked to each stock where people, who are buying the company, tell you what they know. They are mostly very inexpensive stocks.
You can do many things on Stockhouse, but if you want to know more, you should check it out yourselves. The breakfast conversation centered around the column and newsletter written by Thomas Calandra. Calandra co-founded ‘CBS Market Watch’. He has been around quite a while and knows his way around buying and selling stocks. Our bed & breakfast guest follows Calandra’s ‘Ticker Trax’, which is a newsletter which comes out on a regular basis, which has made lots of money for its subscribers. It is mostly about gold, silver, molybdenum, uranium, Biotechnology, Diagnostic Substances, drug manufacturers, etc. The stocks in Ticker Trax are low in price, so most of us can buy a nice amount. I should also tell you it is not a free newsletter, you have to subscribe and I don’t know the cost per year. You might check that out too. I think the address is or you might try You can go on and get a free copy of the newsletter to see what its like. It will not be the latest issue because he saves that for his paying customers and rightfully so.
Calandra checks out all of these companies, follows their management and keeps up with the health of the company. His track record is impressive. I used to follow and subscribe to another newsletter written by John Embry, who was known as THE person to go to about gold miners and other miners, but he retired and I have been left hanging out trying to decide what to do so we were very interested in knowing what our bed & breakfast guest thought about Thom Calandra since he seems to be Embry’s heir-apparent.
The last stock we talked about on Bettina’s Blog was Ford Motor Co. It was selling about $11/share at the time – check out the blog – and it is now selling about $13/share. WE have also told you about other stocks which were the topic of breakfast conversations. At some point, I will do another update on what has happened to those stocks. In the meantime, you can re-read those blogs and see for yourself what happened to the stocks our bed & breakfast guests discuss.
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