Stock Information

It is great reading your blog! Keep up the good work. I especially like the variety of information. My contribution will be two stocks I bought today. One is Avanti Mining (AVNMF) and the other is Sunridge Gold (SGCNF). Hopefully, these two will do as well for your readers as the stocks you mentioned in other blogs. I bought all of the stocks from your other blogs and am very happy with my new portfolio and not a minute too soon because the stocks I bought over the past several years lost a lot of money for me. So I shall reciprocate by suggesting stocks I think might benefit your readers in return for and as a thank you for the money I made on other readers’ suggestions.

Avanti Mining is a molybdenum mining stock. Your readers will have to search for the company and the molybdenum to know more about it. It costs something like $ .167 so it is really inexpensive and $100 dollars can buy almost 600 shares.
Sunridge Gold came out with a big announcement today of an investment by Antofagasta Mining putting some $10 million dollars into the company for exploration purposes. Sunridge has property in Eritrea. Antofagasta is in Chile and several other countries. Search on their name and you will learn something about the company. It was selling today for some $ .6225. It was selling a few days ago for $.45 so the investment of ten mill jumped the stock by about 25%. I think it will double shortly. It has about 4.5 million in cash on hand for exploration, this 10 million triples its cash. It should be able to do great things and the property Sunridge is exploring seems to be a company “sitting on riches.”
I know you check out these suggestions after awhile. I hope I am not embarrassed when you do that. I would not want to make money on someone else’s suggestions only to have mine tank! I did a lot of research on these before buying so hopefully, that helps.

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