Stay Cool on a Hot Day!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012
Summer is coming and so are the hot days of Summer.
I have found a way to stay cool most of the day and add to my general health and beauty at the same time.
I take a shower and follow it with a massage of organic Aloe Vera Gel. It is fantastic.
I read in your blog where you talked about this massage, but I couldn’t handle it then because it was cold weather when I read it and when I tried to massage with the Aloe Vera I almost froze it was so cold when I tried to put it on my body.
It dawned on me that this might be a great treat for myself when there is hot weather so I waited and just tried it on a fairly hot day. I was very cool after the shower – which is generally not the case for me in hot weather – I will start to perspire almost immediately out of the shower. I was left with a really coolness around me all morning.
I also got many comments from people who told me how great I looked. Since I had on jeans and an old shirt I wasn’t sure where the compliments were coming from – the only thing I did different was the organic Aloe Vera Gel massage. You also talked about Lakewood – so that is what I bought and used. I liked that it was not made from a concentrate, but from the actual juice of the plant and not preserved with a chemical whose name I couldn’t pronounce. So, for what its worth —- and thanks for the blog. I liked being able to send this to you to share. I have my own blog, but no one reads it – except for a few family members and I wanted to share this with a lot of people. It is impressive the number of people who read your blog.
Hope all of you readers try this – it is a great experience. One I will use all summer.
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