Some People Did Some Thing!
Well, now it is time to indict and arrest!
We have ignored much, but this tears the veil.
What else could be added to the indictment?
- Incitment to murder – Pittsburgh, PA. 11 Jews were killed in their Synagogue while praying. The incitement happened the day before when Donald Trump said he was NOT a Globalist.
- Incitment to attempted murder – bombs delivered to several prominent United States citizens after Donald Trump’s comments constantly citing their work against him and his program.
- Using the office of the presidency to incite others to violate the criminal laws of the United States in too many ways to list.
- Using the office of the presidency to absolve the top of the Saudi government of the brutal murder and dismemberment of Khashoggi.
- Incitment for his followers to harm Ilhan Omar because of her comments “Some People Did Something!” With pictures of 9/11 merged in Donald Trump’s tweets – Donald Trump used that as an opportunity to attempt to absolve Saudi Arabia of the 9/11 atrocity. Most of the people who carried out the 9/11 slaughter were from Saudi Arabia and it is well known their people do not carry out such objectives without the knowledge and agreement of the top of the Saudi Arabian government.
- Intimidation of Americans by the constant tweets with which Donald Trump will call his followers attention to do his bidding, which is usually some kind of violence or negativity towards those who are not his followers using words and images which are familiar to them. His followers know his voice and what he means when his words are indirect and/or circular. They have been consistent in following his dictates. Given such a pattern his indictment for such actions should immediately happen followed by his arrest.
- Using and abusing the office of the President of the United States for corrupt purposes, which is leading to major harm being done to Americans and to others around the globe when their leaders know they have the support of the President of the United States for their actions.
- The Indictment and arrest of Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, especially that done while usurping the office of the President of the United States.
- The indictment and arrest of Donald Trump for conspiring with foreign countries who mean harm to the United States Government and who worked with Donald Trump to usurp the U. S. Government for such purposes.
- To demand the return of monies taken from the American people and from those who wish to do business with the United States Government and are making that attempt to be considered above all others through graft and through the misuse of the power and prestige of the United States Government for personal and corporate financial gain.
- Please send us other items to include in this list of indictments.
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