So Much More to talk about, however, our concern for Rev. Dr. Bennett overwhelms!

We have recipe’s, stories, history, happenings and more to put in the blog. We have, however, been investigating what happened with Dr. Bennett and it has taken over. Hopefully, we can find some resolution so we can move on with this publication we hope to turn into a media center. This has blocked that, but it is still our goal.

We have a conglomeration of articles today which give you some look at history not found in books:

  1. Banking and Afro-Americans. Looking at the experience of Rev. Dr. Bennett and his wife it is clear banks are structured into the oppression of minorities – particularly African Americans over the years.

When all of the problems started happening intensely with the Donaldson-Bennetts much accumulated which said to us this was an attack against an African American family that had achieved too much. Time to take them down.

Their bank started not sending them checking account statements, in spite of many calls by the Donaldson-Bennetts to the bank asking for their statements. The statements themselves, when received finally, had a hold typed across the top of the statement.

The Donaldson-Bennetts complained to the Comptroller of the Currency and the bank sent a response which apologized for not responding to their telephone calls (made over a 2 1/2 year period) and agreed to send the statements. They sent the statements minus the cancelled checks so other calls had to be made to get those.

The banks response to the Donaldson-Bennetts when they called was to say “when you send us a new address we will send your statements.”

What action has the Comptroller of the Currency taken against the bank for such activities? We haven’t heard of any – and so the bank understands it is free to continue and enlarge the bigotry practiced against minorities.

We could write a book about that statement and put it into a historical context.

We should write a book about that statement and put it into a historical context.

That is not the only problem the Donaldson-Bennetts have had with that bank. We will document the rest in another blog.

2. It has taken time for us to continue this because such research moves slowly and overwhelms.

What we discovered in all of this – just about everything targeted against the Donaldson-Bennetts has come out of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

If any of you have something to add to this, please send your responses, information, suggestions, to: and in the subject line put Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and your response will come to us directly.

Thank you for your confidence, for your information, for your leads, for your help. We could not have uncovered what we did without you.

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