copyright 2009 The Bettina Network, inc.
The National Dish of the Netherlands!!
We have many guests from the Netherlands visiting several of the Bettina Network homes. They have left an unmistakable mark on breakfast.
Snert has become a popular and much requested breakfast at the Bettina Network. So, we put our heads together, shared the different ways we’ve made Snert, adjusted for comments and suggestions from our Netherland guests and have come up with “Snert By Committee”, a successful bed & breakfast morning treat.
pork short ribs two onions six garlic cloves
andouille sausage one green pepper one celery root
frankfurters four celery stalks sea salt & cayenne pepper
In a large pot of water (average pot for us is 25 cups) boil three large pork short ribs until they are tender – falling apart tender! This could take from 45 minute to 1 1/2 hours.
Take the ORGANIC short ribs out of the water and add four or more cups of dried green peas – according to your taste. If you like stronger tasting pea soupp*, use more. If you like a weaker more watery soupp* use less.
Put aside two onions, about 4 stalks celery, one green pepper, a celery root which has been peeled and cut into several pieces and six garlic cloves, which you mash before chopping. Put these through the food processor or cut into very fine pieces and add them to the soupp*.
YES, YES all organic!! No “natural”, “pesticide free”, or whatever other labels are being put on the food you normally buy for less money – make this ORGANIC! If you are going to pay more it should be for the real thing – not a marketing group’s substitute, which they are trying to bring along to move you away from “organic” but have you pay very close to the same price – lining their pockets and attempting to fool your health. They should beware of Mother Nature, she takes her revenge whenever you violate her laws!!!! Open your pocketbook – pay more, eat less, but only for the foods that are grown organically. Otherwise, it is just a way of raising the price of ordinary non-organic food making you think you have something special when the only thing ‘special’ about that ‘natural’ food is the extra money you have to pay for the same thing you bought months before that didn’t have those labels. If that pig hasn’t been fed an organic diet – leave him in the store!!!!!!! The same goes for those vegetables – especially the root kind.
Simmer the soupp* for about an hour.
Then add organic sea salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Let this simmer for 15 minutes to half an hour.
This soupp* is best eaten without the meat added. If you insist on meat in your soupp* you can shred the pork short ribs, having removed any fat and you might also add either andouille sausage or frankfurters. The Netherlanders seem to prefer the andouille sausage, while others prefer the frankfurters because they think this makes it ‘more authentic’. If you use andouille sausage – remember it adds ‘heat’ to the dish, which already has its share of cayenne pepper so be careful with your seasonings.
Simmer for another 1/2 hour after adding the meat and serve with wonderful home baked organically made bread with lots of butter.
You can close your eyes and pretend to be in the Netherlands country side (the ‘pretend’ countryside which you have now conjured up may be the only country left in the Netherlands).
This is one of those rare dishes that is comfort food for lots of people – even some who have never had this dish before.
A NOTE: instead of putting the pork short ribs back into the soupp*, you can make an excellent dinner by spreading a barbecue sauce on the ribs and putting them into the oven for 1/2 hour or so. Serve this with rice, your favorite vegetable and a salad and you have two meals.
Also notice there is no cornstarch, flour or other thickening agent in this soupp* – it isn’t needed. If you have leftovers you will find each time you reheat snert it is thicker than it was the last time you heated and ate a little. The ingredients used naturally thicken this snert.
*soupp – a word coined by the Bettina Network Snert Recipe committee for a breakfast dish that somewhat resembles soup, but has different qualities.
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A Guests’ Review – Boston Harbor Islands