Sexual Abuse/Hillary/Trump

We are calling for the world to condemn the sexual abuse going on against women in this world, currently being acted out in the most vicious way against women in the United States.  We have been totally self-righteous and have claimed for generations that we are better than the rest of the world.  That better than is the theme of today’s governmental figures.  If you don’t quote the rhetoric you don’t get the job in government.

We also ask that you acknowledge that sexual abuse is not just physical.  It  is psychic as well and that which has kept women down for centuries.  It is enough!

Want to see real fear?  Take a look at the men trying to stomp on Hillary Clinton.  The fear shines through them as their fear that their wives, mothers and children will follow her example and be independent people contributing from their own lives, their own souls, their own character to this world in which they live.

The religion which masquerades as Christianity, which I call christianity,  is a farce – a heresy – and needs to be exposed for what it is – the biggest lie ever told.

Christianity in places like Alabama has been reduced to having its capital “C” traded in for a small “c”.  It is the religions of the KKK, the Neo-Nazi’s the White Supremacists and more like them.  It is a religion which puts itself and its adherents on a level with God.  It is a religion in which the people can lie, cheat, steal and destroy one another in the name of being better than.  It is the religion which partnered with the slaveholders in the United States as well as in other parts of the world.  It is the left hand of the Confederate memorials which many can’t live without because it reflects and gives them some kind of “truth” to their claim of superiority.  If Germany kept such memorials to Hitler and his war the world would rise up in horror.  What happens in places like Alabama and the rest of the country is the exact same thing.  Memorials to slavery – to the Confederate war which as about the maintenance of slavery and a harkening back to romanticizing that time in our history. All of that is necessary to keep that time alive and something for its adherents to struggle to get back to.  Isn’t that what “Make America Great Again” means?  Bring back those times when we put out the lie that Africans were inferior and meant to serve the whites of the world?  Isn’t that the history Trump and his followers want to get back to?  Isn’t that why Roy Moore has supporters and why people voted for Trump?  They didn’t care about ethics, character, truth, love, caring, grace – they cared about having someone in control calling the shots who recognized and would fight to maintain white better than everything else.

If you support them and voted for people like Trump that was your motivation whether you admit it or not.  All of your excuses are crap and lies to justify your claimed superiority so you can live without contributing but taking from others.

christianity – with a small “c” –  is the religion which created white as a superior race in violation of everything we know to the contrary.  To join this religion and this race you must give up your identity and take on the identity of white.  Did your ancestors come to the United States from France?  They are white in the United States.  Did they come from England?  They are white in the United States.  All you had to do was to take on that white identity and acknowledge that you and yours believe you are better than, prettier than, more educated than, more everything than those others.  It is the religion Roy Moore has espoused for decades.  It is the religion of the evangelicals who have given up Evangelism because they prefer to be better than .  To simply be one of God’s children is not enough.  They must worship god; they must devalue – depose – get rid of God, Jesus, Christ.  They must take the Scriptures and rearrange them so the message fits their heresy.

Especially, it is time for all of us to call out and condemn the sexual abuse Donald Trump has visited against Hillary Clinton from his campaign time – calling for her to be “locked up”  through today when he calls up Hillary to visit this sexual abuse against because he needs a shield and has decided she will be that shield.

These calls for a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton is nothing more than another segway of the sexual abuse he has carried out from calling for her to be “locked up” for being what – a better candidate?  A better person?  A better president? one who has lived her life giving to others? Hillary Clinton’s very existence is a threat to Donald Trump because he can only abide women who he can reduce to being less than Donald Trump and every other man. So to keep the rest of us in his cloud of denial and abuse he pulls in Hillary’s name for more abuse each time he needs a distraction.  Where are the many, many voice loudly condemning him?  Where are the many many voices removing this turd from office?  Where are the many many voices sending Donald Trump back under the rock from which he crawled to be blinded by the sun.  Does fear stop you?  Take a look inside to make sure it is fear you have to remove and not the remnants of Donald Trump’s character that you share!

These United States have been racist, sexist, homophobic, and more almost from its beginnings.  It was founded on the backs of slaves.  It was founded on the backs of women.  It has not acknowledged and repaid either debt it has only becomes increasingly more sophisticated in using the rest of the world to continue its claimed superiority.  It is time for this to stop.


We call for Donald Trump to stop this sexual abuse for which he has set an example for the rest of the world to follow.  He has some 17 plus accusations of physical sexual abuse against women.  He has law suits against him by women who claim he sexually abused them.  Every other word out of his mouth is bullying – abusive against women – or self-aggrandizement.  IT IS ENOUGH!

Trump chose Pence for his Vice President as an act of genius.  He knew he needed someone to keep him in office and just as he predicted Pence keeps him in office because we are afraid of exchanging the devil for the devil’s right hand.  It is time to step out and correct this.  Trump has simply made it right for all of the sexual abusers to carry on, ignoring the wrong of what they are doing and continuing to step on women.

He has emboldened people like Roy Moore who needs to crawl back under that rock with Trump.  All across this country Trump has brought men who should be shamed by what they do every day and have done for most of their adult lives into the light and dusted them off sending them out to wreck havoc on the world.  Every single God loving and God fearing person should be standing up, calling him out and also calling out all of those like him to clear away the trash that is cluttering the United States government as well as the rest of the world.

Change your lifestyle.  Comfort at someone else’s expense is not an option.  Where you do not take responsibility for your life as an independent, loving, caring person you are throwing a burden on someone else.

Take a look at the billionaires of the world.  Not one has acquired their billions without lying, cheating and stealing from someone else.  It is no accident that homelessness and our billionaire group arose at the same time.  One is totally connected to the other.  STOP. THIS. INSANITY and this EVIL!

Do you love Hitler and the evil he brought and nurtured?  Do you want to see the dictators of this world continue to survive at the expense of and on the backs of the rest of us? Are you so in love with one man that you want him to be god over you and you this mangod’s servant?  Are you so foolish to think that this man will do anything except destroy you and everything you hold dear?  What is wrong with you Trump followers?  Are you so anxiety ridden, so weak in your identity, so needy that you will accept this happening before your very eyes because it is preferable to rocking the boat?    Don’t you realize your children are watching? Wake up before it is too late.  All of these dictators need to be removed, but none so urgently as Donald J. Trump.

We have revolutions happening all over this world.  All led by someone like Trump and his crowd.  If they win this world changes and not for the better.  Your encouraging Trump and keeping him in control emboldens the ugliness all around the world.  It helps to justify their existence and finally moves them to come together for world control.  It is time to move out of this hole we are digging for ourselves.  Wake UP and ACT!


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Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of Bettina Network, inc. It is the property of Bettina Network, inc. and/or the person who wrote the original blog.Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.

Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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