copyright 2010 The Bettina Network, inc.

Are you a sexual pervert? Have you been convicted of sexual abuse against children? Are all of your thoughts about sex and sexual abuse against others? Are you listed in all the public places as a sexual predator and on the governments sexual predator listing? Have we got the perfect job for you!!!! Apply immediately for a job in security at your local airport.

Sounds harsh? Unfair? Not thinking about security? Ridiculous! The government is clearly operating in someone’s interest, but it is not in the interest of continuing the democracy under which we think we live and they have found a great way to do this – it is all in the name of ‘protecting’ us, in the name of ‘security’. These pat downs and machines which show you naked to someone looking through a mirror or whatever they look through at naked bodies all day long – What happens to these airport/government employees after several months of doing this kind of job? They go home and lead normal lives? Not likely? Over time, many of them will probably become sexual predators – how are you going to deal with the large increase in numbers of sexual predators in this society, created in the name of security? Whose security? The financial security of the heads of the corporations making billions from this new form of ‘security’?

Remember the name Chertoff? Think back a bit! Remember Katrina? Who made a grand mess of Katrina for which, some people say, he should have spent time in jail? Try the name Chertoff!

Now look at the airport machines. Wasn’t it Chertoff who first lobbied for them while he was in government and then went to work for the company which manufactures, distributes and sells them when he left government? A great ‘retirement from government pension plan” and look at his salary and bonuses today? Has Mr. Chertoff become a very wealthy man by sexually exploiting the American people? Is he now a very wealthy man because you are being sexually groped and your children being trained to submit to sexual predators at the airport by your government? And you are excusing this in the name of “security”? Are our memories that short?

Some people say Chertoff should have gone to jail for the way he mishandled New Orleans and other areas along the Gulf during the aftermath of Katrina, but instead he has become a wealthy man and compromised your right to privacy; your democracy; your future and the future of your children. Looking at Mr. Chertoff’s ‘progress’, I hate to think of what his third act will be?

All of this done in the name of making you secure? And listen on television to the small comments by people very willing to give up their rights and more importantly your rights, calling you names because you don’t want to be naked in the airport, oppressed by machinery and groped!

Take a look at the increase in lobbying monies spent by the companies who manufacture and sell these machines. Substantial increases in spending made before the machines were adopted. The return on investment to those companies for their money spent lobbying to get their machines installed in airports; for what they spent hiring Chertoff and his government buddies, was money well spent to increase their bottom line – and it has done that in a substantial way.

Who engineered the increase in corporate spending? Chertoff? Take a look at who these companies have hired in addition to Chertoff and then saw their business sky rocket as these ex-government employees, now corporate employees and lobbyists, brought home the bacon.

Why did the man, prominently featured on television, remove his sons shirt while going through this disgusting ritual? To keep him from being overly groped by strangers? What kind of lesson did the little boy learn from his father – who was trying to protect him – and what did he learn from the strangers groping him? Will he be more amenable to the advances of sexual predators in the future? That certainly is the message most young children are getting. Groping is government back and sanctioned – is this the message you want your children to get? Or have you thought that far in advance?

What are you going to do about it? Submit and keep on with your life as usual because its better than rocking the boat?

This isn’t about security people? This is about corporate greed and lack of corporate values and total disrespect of the American public and disrespect of those who travel on American planes.

If we are so concerned about security, why is it the TSA has never implemented a process through which every traveller is known before they board a plane? Why is the system which allowed terrorists to board planes and do damage and the airlines find out who they were AFTER the fact, still not fixed – but this sexual invasion of privacy has been very expensively implemented instead? Is there not enough money being spent on lobbyists and hiring ex-government employees to see that such a really secure system is implemented? Is this really about security or is something else going on here?

We certainly have the technology to change that and to make sure everyone who boards a plane is known!!!! What will searching individual people in such obscene ways do – the terrorists most certainly will be one step ahead and find ways around this security – or better still – find ways to use this security for their own purposes.

Why hasn’t the TSA corrected the problems which caused Ted Kennedy to be stopped because his name was on a suspect list? If we can’t distinguish between a potential terrorist and one of our own Senators, we are in a sorry state indeed. El Al has a system in place by which they don’t have to do these ‘strip’ searches and gropings – they know who is travelling on their airplanes and they did not have a 911 incident. We don’t have a clue! Names have reached the gate after suspect people have boarded planes and the planes taken off. Why aren’t you demanding better than this from your government? This is an outrage and we don’t see many of you reacting and demanding a stop to this corporate greed.

In the name of faulty and ineffective security we have become a police state in which money is being scammed and power is being constantly channeled to fewer and fewer people with the rest of us being squeezed into a very oppressed condition and are being conditioned to accept that position in the name of “security.” I have seen the oppressor and it is us. US, who do these things and US, who accepts them in the name of whatever excuse is offered. Us who picks up these lame excuses and judges others of us negatively because we don’t buy the corporate/government line. By the time you wake up and see what’s happening in this country it will be too late.

These are some of the breakfast conversations about what is happening at the airports in the name of security and it is downright scary. Especially since we don’t see America fighting back, but excusing these intrusions into our bodies and privacy. The right to privacy, guaranteed by the constitution seems to have been put into abeyance.


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