Saw Palmetto over breakfast
copyright 2009 The Bettina Network, inc.
Great breakfast conversations today! The bit of information I would like to share is from the gentleman who had to stop at the GNC to pick up a bottle of Saw Palmetto before leaving the country. He buys a couple bottles each time he is in the U. S. because he can’t find it in his country. He uses it to keep his prostate healthy and swears by them. First time I’d heard of this, but I will take it seriously, he is several years past retirement is very healthy and has been doing this for a number of years. I wanted to ask if he’d had prostate problems or was this in response to prostate cancer, but I didn’t know him well enough and he didn’t go beyond where he could find a GNC store. Maybe he will return and knowing him better we can get a bit more into his business.
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