SAT Exam Re-Established by Harvard
WHY? Could it possibly be because a long established entry exam was doing its job of keeping minorities admitted to Harvard to a minumum? Was it doing a fantastic job of keeping Harvard’s freshman class members mostly members of this society’s “better than” majority with only a few minorities admitted to “disprove the rule”? Or has it been re-established because once the SAT Exam was taken down as a requirement the entry class members at Harvard University were – for the first time in history – majority/minority?
Eliminating the SAT EXAM as an important part of qualifying for a seat in Harvard’s freshman class showed clearly the cracks, irrelavancies, bigotry which has kept Harvard mostly white northern european male for generations. Once it was eliminated, the part the SAT EXAM played in maintaining institutional racism showed starkly. That change threatened the white northern european male group with the need to be more qualified than and eliminated the fact that white european ancestry males were given spaces, not because they were more qualified, but because the cultural background of the SAT EXAM gave them a leg up in being admitted to Harvard.
Look at what happens if they have to stand on their own two feet – their own intellect, – without the help and protection of culturally installed “helpers” such as exams which are slanted to give them a way into the institution walking in front of more qualified minorities. They had a “helper” (one of many) along the way which moved more qualified minorities back and gave white northern european ancestry males the full steam ahead whistle in spite of the fact that those more qualified but of a different cultural background were pushed aside by those “helpers” – put there by the ancestors of that white european male group who knew they had to really cheat to make sure their progeny were given that leg up they did not earn, but inherited.
We now move back to the place where Harvard’s freshman classes will revert to the percentages the “better than” group enjoyed, without being the most qualified. That better than group will come back into play at the top because they were raised in that space culturally which was designed to give them the top spots without having to deal with or worry about their future as the undeserved top of society.
The few minorities who applied; were rejected; were intellectually more superior than those “better than” who were actually admitted even though undeservedly so, those minorities will be denied a seat in that freshman class so the United States can continue to suffer from the racism, sexism, etc. it was beginning to see a way through into the freedom that equality, equity, and so much more brings.
Why, O Lord, are we being subjected to the same ugly, vicious, life denying situation over and over again throughout the generations. Why are we now seeing the future where our children will be subjects under that white european male group which has destroyed your creation?