Rudi Giuliani and Donald Trump
by: Marceline Donaldson
It should not have been amazing to hear that Rudi Giuliani has again taken center stage in the Donald Trump story.
It should also not be amazing to see that men, who treat women like crap, profoundly disrespect women and see them as objects for their use, to be discarded when a newer model comes along, should find each other. In that, Giuliani and Trump are brothers and it makes sense that one such piece of scum would come to the aid of another piece of scum. (Sorry for the crudeness, but I am living in a country where crude is being modeled at the top as the way one speaks of others and we all know that way of being and talking is like a contagious disease which spreads like wild fire and so it is spreading. I wonder how our children, now in their teens, will talk about others as they move into their twenties and beyond and they become the politicians).
I remember – maybe a decade plus ago – reading about a press conference that took place on the steps of the Mayor’s house, on the steps and porch of Gracie Mansion, in New York City, when Giuliani was still mayor. It was then Mayor Rudi Giuliani flanked by his girl friend who was the reason for calling this press conference.
Inside the Gracie Mansion was Giuliani’s wife, preparing a meal for the family completely oblivious to what was happening in front of her house. Giuliani called the press conference to announce that he was divorcing his wife and was going to marry his girl friend. He had not yet made that announcement to his wife, with whom he was still living, who was inside with their young son preparing food for them to eat – I believe it was breakfast.
She learned that morning, from the press, when they called her for a comment, that her husband was leaving her for another woman – with whom he had been involved for some time. She learned that her husband was going to divorce her and marry this other woman. People divorce and remarry all the time. The circumstances of the Giuliani divorce and his re-marriage would fit into a narrative about the ethics and morals and lifestyle of Donald Trump.
I can’t imagine how Giuliani’s then wife felt, but I am pretty sure it was not great. She learned of all this from the press.
The rest of us forget that little detail about Giuliani’s values and ethics. His sexism, extreme I would say, is put in the past and not even deserving of a foot note as the press now talks about his current position on the political stage. In fact, that act by Giuliani was almost never mentioned as he moved into other things and was involved in life as it unfolded around him and his political and other ambitions. Was that a part of what has made Donald Trump possible? Our moral values are eroded a little at a time. If we ignore what Giuliani did to be so disrespectful and crude with his then wife and we ignore that and treat him as though he is an honorable man then the door opens a little wider for someone like Trump to be elected in spite of the way he has treated so many women and in spite of all the rumors of “golden showers” and other such stories. And now two such men are again combining to support one another in their ambitions to be a big deal in life and in this United States culture and society. Is this how our culture is evolving and the path we are blazing for our children to see and to follow?
This is the man Trump called on during his campaign and who he has now called on to shore up and help him with the Mueller investigation and other matters. We are seeing the coming together of a new nation with new moral values, new ethics, new ways of being and doing, and an unbelievably destructive way of relating to and dealing with woman on all levels of all kinds of all races, religions and marital status.
How long will we all accept people who treat women in such a disgraceful way and move ahead with them, quietly ignoring their history with women. Those things need at least a foot note. Ignoring Trump’s history with women and his treatment of them – isn’t that one reason why so many were able to vote for him? Because women don’t count and can be treated however – isn’t that what allows the white evangelicals to support, comfort and raise up someone like Trump? I suspect if you look into the lifestyle of many of the white male evangelicals you would find similar circumstances – girl friends, mistresses, one night stands all carefully hidden from their congregations as they go about attempting to hold up Jesus as an example to the world as someone the world should follow and to whom this world should give allegiance, love and faith. And as they hold up themselves as an example of who you should be as Christians holding up to all of us what looks like the wonderful white male family hoping you don’t remove the covers and look inside? Where is the real voice of the women inside these families? Are they so afraid for their own existence and survival and lifestyle that they are willing to oppress themselves to hold up their men knowing their transgressions and the lies they are living? How long are we going to hold up Donald Trump as president of these United States? A man mired in filth, corruption, and who – by his own admission – sees women as only of value for their p#### which he can grab and do with whatever he and by extension other men choose?
It does not take geniuses to know what to do! It takes men and women of courage to step out and be counted here! Is your identity as white – male – Northern European ancestry – so important to you that you will give up eternity for these few minutes on earth during which you are ethically, morally and in every other way destroying yourselves and others? And to the women who support these men – what ever happened to your self-respect? The more support you give to them the less you have of yourselves. You can’t but dwindle in your own eyes when these are your standards.
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