Robert’s Blueberry Muffins

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2011

We have had several requests for Robert’s Blueberry Muffins – which are admittedly exceptional.

He has not been in the frame of mind to give out his recipe.  He experimented with lots of different combinations and finally came to the conclusion that it is not the recipe, but the ingredients which make the difference and then went about using just an ordinary muffin recipe.  Everytime he makes them we get rave reviews on the “Guest Questionnaire” which we send out to guests who have visited one of the Bettina homes.

He is giving up this recipe with the proviso that when you use it you have to give him credit and give the muffins the title of “Robert’s Blueberry Muffins”.

A creation of the Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – or so he claims:

                          “ROBERT’S BLUEBERRY MUFFINS”
All of the ingredients for these muffins must be organic and not simply ‘organic’, but the best organic ingredients you can find.  Be especially careful of ingredients called organic from those large, large stores which are now hopping on the organic bandwagon and selling organic products about which I am a bit suspicious.

1/2 cup organic turbinado sugar (sugar that has been processed only once.)

1/3 cup organic butter or organic, virgin, expeller processed coconut oil (this is a new ‘shortening’ I have started to use because my wife gave me heck for turning my nose up at it and using butter exclusively.  I find it makes lighter muffins and gives them a little different taste that no one can quite pick out.  This is one of the secrets of these muffins.)

1 egg – organic from chickens that run around in the fresh air and sunshine and are only given organic feed

1/2 cup milk.  Preferably raw organic milk.  If you can’t find this, then milk which is unhomogenized, and/or unpasteurized.  If not, then use organic milk as unprocessed as you can find it.

1 1/2 cups organic flour.  Make sure the organic flour is also stone ground.

2 teaspoons organic baking powder.

1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt.  A very pure kind of salt and the only kind I am allowed to use at home.  I would love to tell you why, but I don’t know.

1/4 teaspoon soda.  This was a secret because we had abolished using soda.  I used to keep this specially wrapped and hidden away, but the secret is now out.

1 cup organically grown blueberries.  Put the blueberries in a small bowl with flour and mix them around with a large spoon until they are coated with flour. This helps to keep the blueberries from all sinking to the bottom of the batter.  It took quite a long time for me to figure this one out.

Grated rind of one lemon and a little extra turbinado sugar to mix together and sprinkle on top of each muffin before you bake them.

Mix dry ingredients together with a wire whisk until the flour looks lighter and has incorporated lots of air. .

In a separate bowl, beat egg with a wire whisk until it has lightened and incorporated lots of air then add the rest of the ‘wet’ ingredients.  The idea is to incorporate as much air as possible into these wet and dry ingredients because the batter is mixed very little once you put these two together.

Add dry ingredients alternately with wet ingredients.  Lightly mix – don’t try to get out all the lumps and especially don’t overmix.  Fold in floured blueberries.  Pour into a greased muffin tin and sprinkle grated lemon rind and sugar on top of each muffin.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.

If you want more than this yields, double or triple the recipe.”


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