Reviews on the Financial Channel – CNBC

A morning review from Wolfe Research was unbelievable. Mostly, however, we take such reviews as people having credibility because the company for which they work does such hard work to come up with the results.

This morning, the reviewer talking about what he sees in the coming U. S. presidential election. He talked about what each one had to offer and where they were standing.

We put his comments in the trash because he talked about polling errors in Trump’s favor or polling error “in the other person’s favor.” So he started out showing his bias. Trump was named – Kamala Harris was called “the other person.” He went on to talk about what his research company thought each person had to offer. We tuned him off because his bias was clear and shared by many people on the financial channel as well as other places.

Don’t pass over such small shockingly racist and sexist comments which are so structurally in the system that we assume there is nothing to it and if you point these things out – you are just “picking” unnecessarily. This is institutional racism and how it is maintained. It gives to you the unsaid impression that “the other person” is not really on a par with the person talked about with his full name mentioned.

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Donald J. Trumps Message to his followers!

September 26, 2020

Let’s Review the Rev. Dr. Bennett situation! It looks like Criminal Conspiracy to us!

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Signed and Notarized Statement of Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett regarding motions filed in his name about which he knew nothing at an ex parte hearing about which he knew nothing. A motion which contained lies he was claimed to have said and to which his name was attached as though he wrote the motion, with the claim that he was the one filing the motion. Filed by an attorney who neither he nor his family had ever heard of, had ever spoken to. In an attempt to make an ex-parte motion appear to be a motion at which Rev. Dr. Robert Bennet was represented.

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Guardianship is a Civil Rights issue and evil!

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Electoral College Trumps Democracy!

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A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

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John Lewis – “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

August 3, 2020

Dr. Rebecca Warner, psychiatrist – Unbelievably irresponsible!

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Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and the sexual abuse he had to suffer! It is enough, already!

July 17, 2020
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